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Child and Youth Care Professionally-Related Table I

CLD 231 Families in Canadian Context I
CLD 435 Theory and Practice of Family Support
CLD 445 Inclusion and Consultation
CRM 100 Introduction to Canadian Criminal Justice
CRM 102 Introduction to Criminology
CRM 202 Victims and the Criminal Process
CRM 304 Youth Justice in Canada
CYC 550 Foundations of Social Innovation
CYC 560 Social Innovation in Practice
CYC 570 Social Innovation in Action
DST 502 Disability and the State
DST 504 Mad People's History
DST 603 Law and Disability
DST 614 Community, Access and Technology
DST 725 The Politics and Practice of Interventions
EID 100 Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation
ENT 500 New Venture Startup
FNF 100 Families and Health
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
INP 900 Understanding the Nonprofit Sector
INP 901 Developing Effective Organizations
INP 911 Advocacy and Governmental Relations
INP 914 Issues of Diversity
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 904 Health Promotion and Community Development
INT 905 Conflict Resolution in Community Services
INT 906 Sexuality: Power and Pleasure
INT 907 Team Work for Community Services
INT 908 Homelessness in Canadian Society
INT 910 Aboriginal Peoples, Pol. and Reconciliation
INT 913 Issues of Migration
INT 914 Settlement Experiences
INT 915 Responses to Migration
INT 916 Introduction to Fundraising
INT 917 Interprof. Ed. for Community Development
INT 920 Community Collaborations
MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
MHR 505 Organizational Behaviour II
MHR 522 Union Management Relations
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MHR 600 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
MHR 650 Management of Change
MHR 721 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 102 Cdn Public Administration II: Processes
PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
PPA 121 Ontario Politics and Government
PPA 122 Local Politics and Government
PPA 124 Indigenous Politics and Governance
PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State
PPA 211 Public Policy
PPA 301 Administrative Law
PPA 319 Politics of Work and Labour
PPA 401 Collaborative Governance
PPA 402 Program Planning and Evaluation
PPA 403 e-Government
PSY 214 Psychopharmacology
PSY 215 Psychology of Addictions
PSY 300 Psychology and Law
PSY 325 Psychological Disorders
PSY 335 Clinical Psychology
PSY 602 Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 802 Death, Dying and Bereavement
PSY 805 Adjustment, Stress and Coping
PSY 806 Behaviour Modification
SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
SOC 500 Youth and Society
SOC 502 Violence and the Family
SOC 504 Children and Society
SOC 525 Media and Images of Inequality
SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
SWP 901 Youth and Social Justice
SWP 903 Crisis Intervention
SWP 907 Inequality, Oppression and Health
SWP 909 Social Work and the Law: Children and Family
SWP 910 Queer Theory and Identities
SWP 917 Special Topics I
SWP 919 Substance Use and Abuse
SWP 920 Addressing Substance Use and Abuse
SWP 923 Family Violence
SWP 925 Strong Helpers' Teachings

† Students may take only one of either INT 910 or SWP 925.