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Psychology Professionally-Related Table IV
Professionally-related courses other than those listed in the following table may be selected subject to Program and Teaching Department approval, space availability and requisite requirements. Students must obtain the authorization signature of their Program Department, using a Course Directive Substitution form, before enrolling in the course. PSY-coded courses may not be used to fulfill Table IV requirements.
ANT 200 | Anthropological Perspectives |
BLG 251 | Microbiology II |
BLG 307 | Molecular Biology |
BLG 311 | Cell Biology |
BLG 400 | Genetics |
BLG 600 | Physiology |
BLG 700 | Anatomy |
BLG 785 | Developmental Biology |
BLG 788 | Current Topics in Biotechnology |
CLD 204 | Physical Development |
CLD 205 | Children's Social/Emotional Well-Being |
CLD 206 | Language Development |
CLD 448 | Childhood in a Global Context |
CPS 109 | Computer Science I |
CPS 721 | Artificial Intelligence I |
CRB 603 | Special Topics in Caribbean Studies |
CRB 605 | Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance |
CRM 100 | Introduction to Canadian Criminal Justice |
CRM 102 | Introduction to Criminology |
CRM 200 | Criminal Law |
CRM 202 | Victims and the Criminal Process |
CRM 205 | Gender, Sexuality and the Law |
CRM 206 | Race, Ethnicity and Justice |
CRM 250 | Criminalizing Blackness |
CRM 300 | Policing in Canada |
CRM 304 | Youth Justice in Canada |
CRM 306 | Corrections in Canada |
CRM 316 | International Perspectives |
CRM 335 | History and Politics of Abolition |
CRM 400 | Indigenous Governance/Justice |
CRM 402 | Criminal Justice and Social Inequality |
ECN 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I |
ECN 504 | Intermediate Microeconomics I |
ECN 614 | An Introduction to Game Theory |
ECN 700 | Intermediate Microeconomics II |
ENG 200 | Writing as a Cultural Act |
ENG 208 | Introduction to Non-Fiction |
ENG 222 | Fairy Tales and Fantasies |
ENG 224 | Children's Literature |
ENG 402 | Comics |
ENG 417 | Special Topics in American Literatures |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENG 621 | Women's Texts, Global Contexts |
ENG 623 | Film and Literature: Middle East, North Africa |
ENG 634 | Romantic Explorations |
ENG 635 | Modernism |
ENG 720 | Persuasion from Plato to Present |
ENG 941 | Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture |
FNF 100 | Families and Health |
FRE 402 | French Conversation and Pronunciation |
FRE 502 | Communication and Business French |
FRE 515 | Introduction to Business French |
FRE 602 | Business French in Practice |
GEO 151 | Location, Location, Location |
GEO 281 | How to Lie with Maps |
GEO 301 | Marketing Geography |
GEO 302 | Retail Location |
GEO 351 | Internal Structure of the City |
GEO 372 | Global Shift in the 21st Century |
GEO 527 | Inequalities in Urban Neighbourhoods |
GEO 530 | Urban Economic Geography |
GEO 551 | Urbanization and Regional Development |
GEO 553 | Studies in Rural Geography |
GEO 581 | GIS, Geographic Data and Mapping |
GEO 627 | Accessibility of Urban Social Services |
GEO 681 | GIS and Geographic Analysis |
GEO 691 | Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place |
GEO 714 | GIS for the Municipal Professional I |
GEO 719 | GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions |
GEO 724 | GIS for the Municipal Professional II |
GMS 422 | Quality Management |
HIS 401 | Hearing, Seeing and Speaking History |
HIS 461 | Cradle of Civilization: Ancient Near East |
HIS 462 | Introduction to the Islamic World |
HIS 490 | International Relations from 1945 |
HIS 500 | History and New Media |
HIS 501 | Archaeology and Material Culture |
HIS 502 | Life Stories: Oral History |
HIS 505 | Locating The Past: Archival Research |
HIS 510 | Museology and Public History |
HIS 541 | Canada and the First World War |
HIS 556 | Colonial Africa |
HIS 559 | Ancient Egypt |
HIS 561 | The Ottoman Empire |
HIS 590 | Modern International Relations |
HIS 594 | War to War: World Conflict, 1900-45 |
HIS 610 | Curating the Past |
HIS 615 | Film, Television and 20th C History |
HIS 656 | Post-Colonial Africa |
HIS 661 | The Middle East from 1908 |
HIS 662 | The Mughal Empire, 1526-1764 |
HIS 677 | Society in the High Middle Ages, 1000-1500 |
HIS 678 | The Renaissance in Europe |
HIS 683 | Victorian Britain |
HIS 696 | The History of Terrorism |
HIS 710 | Museum and Heritage Management |
HIS 742 | Canadian Cultural Industries |
HIS 755 | Themes in Material Culture |
HIS 762 | The Making of Modern South Asia, 1757-1947 |
HIS 783 | 20th-Century Britain |
HIS 790 | Modern Germany |
HIS 826 | Science and World Exploration |
HIS 828 | Science, Corporations and the Environment |
HIS 845 | Canada in the International Sphere |
HIS 886 | The British Empire and the World |
HIS 898 | A History of International Organizations |
INP 900 | Understanding the Nonprofit Sector |
INT 902 | Disability Issues |
INT 904 | Health Promotion and Community Development |
INT 906 | Sexuality: Power and Pleasure |
INT 911 | International Community Development |
MHR 523 | Human Resources Management |
MHR 600 | Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace |
MHR 721 | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
MHR 741 | Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams |
MKT 504 | Effective Persuasion |
MUS 211 | Music Cultures of the City |
MUS 401 | Music, Religion and Spirituality |
PHL 400 | Human Rights and Justice |
PHL 602 | Health Policy: Ethics and Justice |
POG 100 | People, Power and Politics |
POG 110 | Power and Influence in Canadian Politics |
POG 210 | Power and Authority in Canada |
POG 214 | Controversial Policy Topics |
POG 225 | Global Governance |
POG 235 | Western Political Thought |
POG 240 | Intro to Comparative Politics |
POG 313 | The Politics of Race and Ethnicity |
POG 315 | Equity and Human Rights in Canada |
POG 316 | Social Policy |
POG 415 | Environmental Politics and Policy |
POG 423 | Nationalism and Identity |
POG 424 | Human Rights and Global Politics |
POG 425 | Regional Economic and Political Integration |
POG 426 | Global Conflict and Peace |
POG 431 | Power, Domination and Resistance |
POG 440 | Indigenous Governance/Justice |
POG 442 | Women and Comparative Politics |
POG 443 | Global Cities |
QMS 521 | Business Optimization |
RTA 180 | Music and Film |
SOC 105 | Introduction to Sociology |
SOC 402 | The City and Social Problems |
SOC 427 | Indigenous Perspectives on Canada |
SOC 470 | Toronto: The Changing City |
SOC 472 | At Work in a Changing World |
SOC 474 | Immigration, Borders and Belonging |
SOC 479 | Social Networks and the World Wide Web |
SOC 500 | Youth and Society |
SOC 502 | Violence and the Family |
SOC 504 | Children and Society |
SOC 525 | Media and Images of Inequality |
SOC 600 | Globalization and Health |
SOC 605 | Families: Difference and Diversity |
SOC 606 | Work and Families in the 21st Century |
SOC 706 | Globalized Labour and Consumption |
SOC 803 | International Community Engagement |
SOC 941 | Colonialism and Racialization |
SOC 943 | Poverty Issues |
SPN 402 | Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation |
SPN 515 | Introduction to Business Spanish |
SPN 702 | Communication in Business Spanish |
SPN 802 | Spanish for Business Strategies |
SSH 400 | Special Topics in Social Ventures |
SSH 500 | Peer Learning Experience |
SSH 502 | Community Action Research |