Employment and Lifelong Learning

The challenge
Immigration is a key driver of economic growth in Canada, which is viewed internationally as a leader in immigrant labour market integration. Yet, inconsistencies in policy can result in labour market disparities and many newcomers face barriers impeding their earnings and pathways to sustainable livelihoods. While employers continue to claim that there are labour and skills shortages, there is evidence of rampant systemic discrimination. Further, when newcomers are successful in obtaining employment, they may face discrimination in the workplace. While self-employment and entrepreneurship are options, there are few supports to help them navigate the processes of starting and growing a business.

Our research focus
The Employment and Lifelong Learning research theme is using a multi-method approach to examine whether and how advanced digital technologies (ADT) can be strategically applied to navigate un(der)employment, (re)train newcomers, combat employer bias, facilitate foreign credential recognition and improve immigrants’ economic integration in both standard and non-standard work arrangements, as well as consider the future of work. In particular, we are studying the following research sub-themes:
- Interrogating unemployment and underemployment will explore how newcomers and their families cope with periods of unemployment and underemployment.
- Digital technologies for immigrant labour market integration and (re)training will leverage technologies in skills training programs designed for newcomers in order to support Canadian employers in achieving inclusive employment.
- Platform economy and quality of work will consider how advanced digital technologies enabling the platform economy generate tensions between access to work and quality of work.
- Navigating the future of work will examine two main factors: the increased adoption of artificial intelligence in the workplace and the rise of contingent work conditions.

Theme Co-Leads:
Theme Members:
Wendy Cukier, Tony Fang, Bilal Farooq, Vince Hopkins, Xingfei Liu, Atefeh Mashatan, Ali Miri, Anna Triandafyllidou