Ali Miri
Ali Miri is a Full Professor with the School of Computer Science, at Toronto Metropolitan University. His research interests include cloud computing and big data, computer networks, digital communication, and security and privacy technologies and their applications. He has authored and co-authored more than 250 refereed articles, six books, and eight patents in these fields. He has chaired over a dozen international conferences and workshops, and has served on more than 100 technical program committees. Ali is a senior member of IEEE and a member of the Professional Engineers Ontario.
Recent Publications
Alani, M. M., & Miri, A. (2022). Towards an Explainable Universal Feature Set for IoT Intrusion Detection (external link) . Sensors, 22(15), 5690.
Reza Dibaj, S. M., Miri, A., & Mostafavi, S. (2020). A Cloud Priority-based Dynamic Online Double Auction Mechanism (PB-DODAM) (external link) . Journal of Cloud Computing, 9(1), 64. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-020-00213-7 (external link)
Majed, A. Raji, F. & Miri, A. (2021) Replication Management in Peer-to-Peer Cloud Storage Systems (external link) , Cluster Computing 25(1). 401-416
Taheri, R., Javidan, R., Shojafar, M., Pooranian, Z., Miri, A., & Conti, M. (2020). On Defending Against Label Flipping Attacks on Malware Detection Systems (external link) . Neural Computing and Applications, 32(18), 14781–14800.