Suzanne Huot
Suzanne Huot is Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of British Columbia. Her research program centres on the axes of occupation (e.g., employment), immigration, and Francophone minority communities. Her research primarily addresses the occupational implications of international migration to Canada through focused, critical examination of governmental legislation, policies and discourses; of service providers and their roles; and of the experiences of individual immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Using research approaches informed by occupational science, critical social theory, and qualitative methodologies, Suzanne specifically examines ways in which governmental decisions and actions are experienced at the local scale in relation to people’s daily occupations, interrogating the effect of these high-level decisions on peoples’ integration, belonging and sense of community cohesion. Her ongoing research focuses on equity issues that newcomers confront within contemporary policy contexts as they navigate post-migratory transitions within their host communities.
Recent Publications
Huot, S., Aldrich, R., Laliberte Rudman, D., & Stone, M. (2020). Picturing Precarity Through Occupational Mapping: Making the (Im)mobilities of Long-term Unemployment Visible (external link) . Journal of Occupational Science, 29(4), 529-544.
Huot, S., Elliott, P., Fells, L. (2021). Navigating Intersecting Forms of Oppression in the Search for Employment. (external link) OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 41(2), 132-139.
Huot, S., Veronis, L., Sall, L., Piquemal, N., & Zellama, F. (2023). Prioritizing Community Cohesion to Promote Retention: Immigration to Canadian Francophone Minority Communities (external link) . Journal of International Migration and Integration. (early online).