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Community-Engaged Learning & Teaching

Enhance your teaching experience

The Faculty of Arts Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT) Coordinator offers consultation and support to faculty who are interested in integrating a CELT community-engaged learning project or activity in their courses. Community-engaged teaching and learning (CELT) helps students make linkages between theory and practice, enhances their critical thinking skills, strengthens their ability to use different levels of thought (description, analysis, integration, application), and develops foundational skills for inquiry and observational research. Students may participate in community-engaged activities and projects as either an optional or required component of core and elective program courses.

Faculty tell us that CELT enhances their teaching experiences and interactions with students, and that they are see an increase in the quality of students’ learning and engagement with course materials.

Integrating a community-engaged learning project or activity in a course requires additional work. The CELT Coordinator is here to help you. We offer a range of services and resources. 

  • Brainstorm how community-engaged learning and teaching could be integrated into your courses.
  • Identify potential projects and build relationships with community partners.
  • Support you in adapting course outlines and assignments.
  • Provide you and GA/TAs with skill development opportunities through consultations, workshops, and sharing circles.
  • Provide tools, training, and resources to orient students and enhance their skills for observation, inquiry, critical reflection, among others.
  • Provide journals, books, and resources on community-engaged learning and teaching.
  • Provide in-class support with project planning and guest speakers

Benefits to Students:

Community-engaged learning and teaching (CELT) courses provide you with opportunities to:

  • Apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge to real life and professional contexts
  • Affiliate with collaborating partners, relevant to your discipline of study
  • Broaden your educational perspective and enhance your learning
  • Gain experience in working in different professional contexts and sectors
  • Develop professional skills, such as research and analysis, program planning and evaluation, and written communication
  • Expand your networks
  • Gain insight into your educational and career direction.

Community-engaged teaching and learning projects are eligible for Faculty of Arts Experiential Learning Grants.

Initiatives and Exhibits

Urban Foodscapes and Food Security

Engaged Courses

Key Contacts

Social Media