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Partnership Request

In order to ensure that Toronto Metropolitan University alumni receive the best value, we consistently put their interests first, and our primary focus is respect, relevance and rewards. Your responses to the following questions will allow us to evaluate your suitability as a potential the Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program partner. Please review each section carefully.

We will contact you if your application is approved.

Company Information


Internet Access

The Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program is a Web-based program, and all of the marketing material for the Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program drives our members online to obtain information regarding the program, partners, and various offerings. It is therefore important that all partners be in a position to provide adequate links from the Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program Web site to their company Web site.



As it is important for the Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program to be able to track the success of the program with its partners, a regular report outlining the use of the program is required from each partner.


Discounts and Benefits

To maintain the integrity of our program, the Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program aims to offer the best rewards to its members. Any benefit and/or discount your company could offer should be exclusive to the Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program members.


Service Abilities

The Toronto Metropolitan University Discount Program members reside across Ontario, and so our partners must be able to provide service to members throughout the province. As well, partners must be able to provide service in both official languages.


Good Standing

We firmly believe in supporting ethical behaviour in business and maintaining a good standing with labour trade unions. We make a point of creating partnerships with companies who share this principle.

Ethical Business Practices



Erin MacDonald
Alumni Relations Officer