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Alumni Gmail for Life

Person sitting at a table with laptop

Keep your university pride and connections beyond graduation with a permanent university Gmail email address. As alumni, you can retain your address and up to a maximum of 30 GB of storage by renewing it yearly. 

To opt-in for Alumni Gmail for Life, you’ll need to access the portal.

If you graduated in or after 2012 and currently have an account, you will automatically receive a renewal link via email. If you didn’t receive the renewal link or if it’s expired, you can still renew by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to (opens in new window) .
  2. Under the Self Service section, choose Personal Account. Find the Preferences section and click Renew Mail Access.

If you graduated before 2012 and do not currently have an address or cannot remember your login credentials for, please review these FAQs. 

If you have never used before, you must:

  1. Activate your online identity (opens in new window)  You’ll need your student number to complete this process. If you don't remember it, you can retrieve it via TMU Student Number Recovery Form.
  2. Login to (opens in new window)  with your student number and the password you created when you activated your online identity.
  3. Under the Self Service section, choose Personal Account. Find the Preferences section and click Renew Mail Access.

If you have used before and are experiencing issues with your username or password:

Contact the CCS Help Desk at / 416-979-5000, ext. 556806.

This service is available to graduates who have received degrees, diplomas or certificates from Toronto Metropolitan University, Ryerson University, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute or Ryerson Institute of Technology and who are no longer registered as students.

In late December 2022, the university updated the email domain from “” to “”.  

All active emails were converted to the email domain. Usernames (what appears before in the email address) remained the same. An email forwarding service is in place to ensure that any emails sent to your address in error are forwarded to your address. Users will also be notified if/when the forwarding stops. 

Learn more about the impact of university email changes on IT systems.

As of October 9, 2023 alumni will have a storage quota of 30 GB maximum. This storage amount continues to allow TMU to provide alumni Gmail usage for life to our graduates, while also prioritizing storage for those learning, teaching or working at the university.

With the new storage limit, alumni still receive double the amount of storage available to free consumer Google Workspace accounts (15 GB) outside of TMU.

Learn more about TMU’s Google Workspace storage policy (opens in new window) .

Accounts over their 30 GB Google Workspace storage quota are unable to renew their Gmail account until action is taken to reduce their storage usage. Access strategies for reducing your storage usage and learn what counts towards your quota (opens in new window) .