Dave Currie
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Techno Tips
Techno Tips is designed to assist you in becoming more familiar with your computer.
Watch for updates in Hints and Tricks

Learning how to use a computer seems simple enough.....and it is. But it can be frightening to face the blank screen and that little mouse and keyboard...and decide what to do with it!

We have put together a set of tools that we think will give you some extra help. Just to have an explanation of what something does, how it works, or how to work it, can help you feel more secure about what you are doing.

Please use these tools and guides to help yourself,
or to help a friend.

Hints and Tricks
   Help to get you started and enjoying

Computer Set Up
   Setting up your computer system to suit you

On-Line Training Module
  Courtesy of SCIP (Seniors Computer Information Program)

Buying a PC
Tips on what, when and how

Understanding & Using a PC
How does a computer work?

   Guide to computer components

   Definitions of common computer terms

We welcome any comments you might have about your experience -

  • Did you find the information you needed to solve your problem or questions?
  • Did you find the tools/guides useful?
  • Are there questions for which you still need answers?
Send us an Emailwith your query.

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