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Policy for Deleting Abandoned Websites

1. Purpose

This policy establishes the guidelines and criteria for identifying and deleting abandoned websites. It supports the purpose outlined in the Website Deletion Policy Framework. Regular monitoring and removal of outdated or abandoned websites will help ensure the efficient use of resources, protect against security vulnerabilities, and support a positive user experience on any Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) website.

The policy applies to any websites and associated digital properties, including the Adobe Experience Manager Web Content Management System (AEM WCMS), managed by TMU.

2. Definition of an abandoned website

  1. A TMU website may be deemed abandoned if it meets the following criteria:
  2. Lack of compliance: The website does not meet accessibility, security, branding, or organizational standards and has not been updated (including broken links) within 60 days of notification.
  3. Lapsed ownership: The original requestor or sponsor for a new site is no longer affiliated with the website, department, or TMU, and no new owner has been identified or assigned.
  4. Inactivity: The website has not been updated, modified, or maintained for 24 months or more.
  5. Low traffic: The website consistently shows low user engagement, with less than X (set metric here; UR) per month over 24 months.
  6. No business purpose: The website no longer aligns with its original goals and or objectives and no longer supports a strategic priority. The website is no longer relevant.

3. Process for identifying and deleting abandoned websites

See: Website deletion process

4. Exceptions

  1. The website serves an essential, infrequent purpose (e.g. seasonal or event-based websites; annual reports; course calendars; and/or content required for legal purposes).
  2. The website has historical or archival value important to the university.
  3. Website Is part of ongoing research or special projects.