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Events Community of Practice Working Group

Campus Events Community of Practice (CoP)

This gathering of event organizers meets on a bi-monthly basis to share best practices with other organizers, as well as policy makers and other relevant community stakeholders across TMU.

Learn more about getting involved with events across campus, stay in the know about upcoming events and expand your network of colleagues who plan large and small-scale events, across campus buildings.

This group is open to all TMU staff who are involved in event planning and/or management.


The purpose of the Events CoP is to share best practices, knowledge and resources with colleagues across campus who plan and organize campus events at TMU, including best practices for booking space and catering campus events. Each meeting explores a topic or theme recommended by the group, aimed at answering frequently asked questions and harmonizing event delivery.

If you are an event organizer on campus and are interested in learning more about the Events CoP, please contact

Ryan Kerr, Manager, Institutional Events

Andrew Metcalfe, Orientation and Campus Events Facilitator

Jessica Tran, Manager, Convocation