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Submissions for the 2025-2026 Undergraduate Calendar are open. Use the  (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window)  to submit Category 1 and 2 changes.

Category 1 and Category 2 changes are due October 4, 2024.

Faculty Credentials

The academic calendar is the official Toronto Met public document on matters of faculty credentials.

Each fall, Chairs, Directors, and Deans review the list of faculty for accuracy and completeness. Using Policy 86 as our guide, we publish academic credentials that Human Resources has verified.

We shorten the names of the awarding universities according to the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Yearbook (see the undergraduate calendar  (opens in new window)  for the list).

Normally, we shorten the degree name based on the practice of the awarding institution or the ACU Yearbook. When in doubt, we list the degree name in full.

To learn more, see Policy 86 “Policy and Procedures for Verification of Faculty Credentials Published in the Toronto Metropolitan University Calendar. (opens in new window) ”

Program Departments and the Dean's Office will review the current list of faculty for accuracy and completeness. Using Official Transcripts, HR will verify the published credentials. Undergraduate Calendar Publications publishes the updated list by March 1.
Role Responsibility Due Date

Verify and update the list of academic staff;

Add any recently earned academic credentials;

Sign and Date;

Give to the Dean's Office as soon as possible.

Dean's Office

Confirm changes to the list of academic staff;

Confirm recently earned academic credentials;

Sign and Date;

Give to Human Resources for transcript verification.

End of October
Human Resources

Confirm changes to the list of academic staff;

Transcript verification.

Sign and Date;

Give to Undergraduate Calendar Publications to update the calendar.

Early January
Undergraduate Calendar Publications Publish the official list of faculty and their credentials. March 1