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Submissions for the 2025-2026 Undergraduate Calendar are open. Use the (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window) to submit Category 1 and 2 changes.
Category 1 and Category 2 changes are due October 4, 2024.
Change the number of courses in a requirement
This is a Category 2 Minor Modification (opens in new window) and may be part of a more significant Category 3 Minor Modification.
1. Go to the (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window) .
- On the first page, choose "Curriculum-Level Change" and enter CUR in the Course Code field.
- This indicates that you are making a change to the curriculum itself and not to a specific course's position within it.
- Choose whether the change is being made to a Degree Program or Minor/Specialization.
- Use one form for each program, minor, or specialization that you are modifying.
- Choose the program, minor, or specialization from the dropdown list.
2. Choose “Other,” and then write in further details describing the change to the number of courses in the requirement.
- E.g., "Reduce 3rd Semester Core Elective requirement from 3 Table II courses to 1 Table II course"; ".Increase Semester 5 Open Elective requirements from 1 course to 2 courses"
3. Once the Curriculum-Level Change is submitted, you will get a link to a Google Doc in your email.
- (google doc) Use the Google Approvals function on this document (external link, opens in new window) to get endorsements on your change from the necessary stakeholders.
- Only Curriculum-Level Changes that have received endorsements will be reflected in the Calendar.
- Endorsements indicate that teaching department and program department agree to the change and their Dean(s) support it.
- Endorsements also allow Undergraduate Publications to know that the change has gone through the proper channels. This eliminates ambiguity and allows us to input calendar changes efficiently.
4. Submit revised calendar copy.
- See these instructions for marking up calendar copy (opens in new window) .
- Upload your revised calendar copy to your program-specific folder on the shared Google Drive for program submissions.
- We will email instructions for accessing the shared Google Drive each calendar cycle.
5. If this change is part of a larger Category 3 curriculum change ...
- Be sure to include copies of the approved forms with your proposal to Academic Standards Committee.