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 (google form) Sign up here (external link, opens in new window)  for a Calendar Submissions Workshop!


Submissions for the 2025-2026 Undergraduate Calendar are open. Use the  (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window)  to submit Category 1 and 2 changes.

Category 1 and Category 2 changes are due October 4, 2024.

Calendar Copy

What is calendar copy?

Calendar copy is made up of the following elements:

Admission Information
Program Overview/Curriculum Information
Curriculum Details
Core Elective table(s) and/or Required Group table(s), as needed
Program Advisory Council

How do I mark up calendar copy?

  1. Go to your program page in the most recent Undergraduate Calendar. Use the "Open All" button, and then copy the content of the page. Paste it into a Google Doc.
  2. Turn on "Suggesting" mode, and then enter the changes you are making to the copy.
  3. Move your revised calendar copy document to your program-specific folder on the shared Google Drive for program submissions.
    • We will email instructions for accessing the shared Google Drive each calendar cycle.

Program departments should not submit copy changes to the Admission Information section to the Undergraduate Publications Office. Please consult directly with Undergraduate Admissions regarding any desired changes.

The Program Overview has the dual role of being promotional and informative. It provides a brief summary of the program and is geared primarily to future students (although returning students will also be consulting the Program Overview). The Program Overview provides a brief outline of what kind of courses are in the curriculum, and it conveys the learning results and special program-specific rules (exclusions, standing, and graduation variations) of the program.

All Program Overviews have the following required elements:

  • link to program department website
  • Program Description, summarized learning outcomes
  • General Curriculum Information
  • Liberal Studies “blurb” ⁠— this is standard template text
  • Minors “blurb” — this is standard template text
  • The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Certificates “blurb” — this is standard template text

Many overviews will also have, where applicable:

  • Co-op or Internship Opportunities
  • Academic Standing or Graduation Variations (if they exist)
  • Transferability Guidelines (e.g., Arts Programs)

Additional Elements

  • Background information and wider implications of the field
  • Why TMU? What distinguishes this program as special or unique?
  • Faculty expertise or areas of interest
  • Information about thesis, research, project, or other enrichment opportunities
  • Special information or tips for students wishing to continue on to graduate studies in the field
  • Information about complementary Minors or Specializations

This section provides detailed course requirement information broken down by semester or year. The calendar presents a curriculum as it applies to students at each level in the current academic year, as well as projected curricula for future years. Example (opens in new window) 

Since a curriculum may change after students have begun the program, it is critical to map how changes will affect each cohort. Inputting each year's curriculum in a Phase-In/Phase-Out table can be extremely helpful in illuminating impacts on each cohort.

Phase-In & Phase-Out of 4-year full-time programs
(incoming class)
2024–2025 2025–2026 2026–2027 2027–2028
2021–2022 Fourth Year      
2022–2023 Third Year Fourth Year    
2023–2024 Second Year Third Year Fourth Year  
2024–2025 First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
Phase-In & Phase-Out of 5-year co-op programs
(incoming class)
2024–2025 2025–2026 2026–2027 2027–2028 2028–2029
2020–2021 Fifth Year        
2021–2022 Fourth Year Fifth Year      
2022–2023 Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year    
2023–2024 Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year  
2024–2025 First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year
Regular and co-op program (overlay)
(incoming class)
2024–2025 2025–2026 2026–2027 2027–2028 2028–2029
2020–2021 Fifth Year (co-op)        
2021–2022 Fourth Year (regular)
Fourth Year (co-op)
Fifth Year (co-op)      
2022–2023 Third Year (regular)
Third Year (co-op)
Fourth Year (regular)
Fourth Year (co-op)
Fifth Year (co-op)    
2023–2024 Second Year Third Year (regular)
Third Year (co-op)
Fourth Year (regular)
Fourth Year (co-op)
Fifth Year (co-op)  
2024–2025 First Year Second Year Third Year (regular)
Third Year (co-op)
Fourth Year (regular)
Fourth Year (co-op)
Fifth Year (co-op)

You will see that the co-op students have one extra year after the regular 4-year program students. Your curriculum changes must adapt to this one year "lag" for co-op students.

These tables exist on their own web pages and are linked from the main program page. They can be submitted either as a separate document or as part of a single calendar copy mark-up document.

A Program Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of volunteers that provides expert advice to a school or department on program related matters such as curriculum, program review, technology and trends in the industry, discipline or profession. For more information, see Senate Policy #158 (Program Advisory Councils) (opens in new window) .