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Mikey Sadowski

Mikey Sadowski

Vice President, Communications, Intrepid Travel

Mikey Sadowski is the Vice President, Communications at Intrepid Travel, a purpose-driven tour operator that is both the world's largest adventure travel company and travel B Corporation.

Mikey is involved in shaping the brand's global positioning, advocacy, and communications as a leader in responsible travel, overseeing all of the brand's global public relations, corporate communications and social media strategies. Leading a global team of storytellers spanning across 4 continents, he has executed award-winning marketing campaigns that have helped propel Intrepid Travel to become one of the world's most innovative travel companies.

Outside of Intrepid, he is a contributor, invited lecturer and advisory board member for a wide range of publications, organizations and academic institutions. Mikey has visited all seven continents, with experiences ranging from living with Indigenous reindeer herding communities in Siberia to cycling across Tanzania.