Dr. Murtaza Haider
Murtaza Haider is a professor of Data Science and Real Estate Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. He also serves as the research director of the Urban Analytics Institute (external link) . Professor Haider holds an adjunct professorship of Engineering at McGill University (external link) . In addition, he is a Director of Regionomics Inc. (external link) , a boutique consulting firm specializing in the economics of cities and regions.
Dr. Haider is the author of Real Estate Markets: An Introduction (2020) and Getting Started with Data Science: Making Sense of Data with Analytics (2016).
Professor Haider’s research interests include business analytics, data science, housing market dynamics, transport/infrastructure/urban planning, and human development in Canada and South Asia.
Professor Haider is a syndicated columnist with Post Media (external link) . His weekly column on real estate markets appears nationally in The Financial Post and local newspapers including Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Sun, and Montreal Gazette. He also writes occasionally for The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star.
Murtaza Haider holds a Masters in transport engineering and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto.
Analytics, data science, urban economics, housing markets, urban planning, transport planning, economic development in South Asia, and macro-economic studies of Canadian labour markets.
Books |
Getting Started with Data Science: Making Sense of Data with Analytics. (ISBN 9780133991024). Forthcoming in July 2015. IBM Press and Pearson North America. |
Articles in Refereed Publications/Book Chapters |
Gandomi, Amir; Haider, Murtaza. (2015). Beyond the Hype: Big Data Concepts, Methods, and Analytics. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 35. pp. 137-144. |
Haider, Murtaza; Kerr, Kenneth Kerr; Badami, Madhav (2015). Commuting and Stress: Recent evidence from Canada. Journal of Transport and Health. Revise and resubmit for December 2014. |
Duguay, Benoit; Haider, Murtaza; Boulard, D.; Khomsi M. K., Moca I. (2015). Social media influences on travel planning and booking. Proceedings of the International Marketing Trends Conference 2015. ISBN: 978-2-9532811-2-5. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Pakistan’s Urbanization Challenges: Transport and Mobility in Pakistan’s Runaway Urbanization: What Can Be Done? Editor: Michael Kugelman. Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Asia Program. July 2014. pp. 78-106. |
Badami, Madhav G.; Haider, Murtaza (2013). Urbanization, environment, and well-being in South Asia. South Asia 2060. Frederick S. Pardee Centre for the Study of Longer Range Future, Boston University. Anthem Press. Pp. 160-168. |
Farooq, Bilal; Miller, Eric; Haider, Murtaza (2013). A Multidimensional Decisions Modelling Framework for Built Space Supply. Journal of Transport and Land Use. Vol. 6, No. 3. pp. 61-74. |
Tomalty, Ray; Haider, Murtaza; Fisher, Susan (2011). Comparing Canadian New Urbanist and Conventional Suburban Neighbourhoods. Plan Canada. Spring 2011. Pp. 21-25. |
Haider, Murtaza; Badami, Madhav (2010). Urbanization and Local Government Challenges in Pakistan. Environment and Urbanization (Asia Edition) pp. 81-96. Sage Publications. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon; Haider, Murtaza (2010). How Different is Carrier Choice for Third Party Logistics Companies? Transportation Research Part E. Vol. 46. 764-774. |
Farooq, Bilal; Miller, Eric; Haider, Murtaza (2010). Hedonic Analysis of Office Space Rent. Transportation Research Record. 2174. Pp. 118-127. |
Mohammadian, A., M. Haider, and P. Kanaroglou (2008). Homebuilders Choice Behaviour Analysis. The Canadian Journal of Regional Science. 31(2). pp. 225. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon; Haider, Murtaza (2008). The Potential for Premium-intermodal Services to Reduce Freight Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. (13), pp. 1-9. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon; Haider, Murtaza (2007). Shipper Preferences Suggest Strong Mistrust of Rail: The First SP Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City – Windsor. Transportation Research Record. 2008, pp. 67-74. |
Badami, Madhav G.; Haider, Murtaza (2007). An Analysis of Public Bus Transit Performance in Indian Cities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. (41), pp. 961-981. |
Haider, Murtaza and Badami, Madhav (2007). Balancing Efficiency and Equity in Public Transit in Pakistan in Urban Infrastructure and Public Service Delivery for the Urban Poor. Pp. 122-143 (Chapter 6). Johns Hopkins University and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. |
Haider, Murtaza and Haider, Irteza (2006). Urban development in Pakistan in Urbanization and sustainability in Asia: Case Studies on Best Practice Approaches to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development. Pp. 245-272 (Chapter 10). Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon; Haider, Murtaza (2005). A Gender-based Analysis of Work Trip Mode Choice of Suburban Montreal Commuters Using Stated Preference Data. Transportation Research Record, 1924, pp. 89-94. |
Haider, Murtaza and Miller, Eric J. (2004). Modeling Location Choices of Housing Builders in the Greater Toronto Area. Transportation Research Record, 1898, pp. 148-156. |
Miller, Eric J., Roorda, Matthew J., Haider, Murtaza, Mohammadian, Abolfazl (2004). An Empirical Analysis of Travel and Housing Costs in the Greater Toronto Area. Transportation Research Record, 1898, pp. 191-201. |
Haider, Murtaza and Miller, Eric J. (2000). Effects of Transportation Infrastructure and Locational Elements on Residential Real Estate Values. Application of Spatial Autoregressive Techniques. Transportation Research Record, 1722, pp. 1-8. |
Non-Refereed Publications |
Haider, M. (2014). Urban transport planning in Pakistan: Moving people and the economy. Policy Brief published by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington, DC. |
Haider, M.; Crowley, David; DiFrancesco, Richard (2013). Investing in Ontario’s Infrastructure for Economic Growth and Prosperity. An Independent Study Commissioned by the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario. |
Haider, M.; Tomalty, Ray (2013). The 2012 Smart Growth Report: Progress Towards Smart Growth in Canada. A report commissioned by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. |
Haider, M. (2009) Challenges Facing the EDS Industry in Canada's Urban Centres. Institute of Housing & Mobility, Ryerson University. |
Haider, M. (2009) Market Rebels: Book review. Marketing Research. Chicago: Winter 2009. Vol. 20, No. 4. Pp. 32. |
Tomalty, Ray; Haider, Murtaza (2009). 2009 BC Sprawl Report: Walkability and Health. Smart Growth BC. Pp. 1-60. |
Haider, M. (2007) Applied Choice Analysis: Book review. Marketing Research. Chicago: Winter 2007. Vol. 19, No. 4. Pp. 47-48. |
Haider, M. (2007) Supply Chains: The Value of a United Voice. Canadian Retailer. Chicago: Winter 2007. Vol. 17, No. 6. Pp. 24. |
Haider, M.; Tomalty, Ray (2007). Do households living in new urbanist neighbourhoods differ in travel behaviour from those living in conventional suburbs? A report commissioned by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. |
Haider, M; Chakrapani, Chuck. (2007). How geography affects consumer behaviour—the automobile example-part 2. Vue Magazine. November 2007. Pp. 16-17. |
Haider, M; Chakrapani, Chuck. (2007). How geography affects consumer behaviour—the automobile example-part 1. Vue Magazine. October 2007. Pp. 18-22. |
Haider, M. (2007) A Statistical Odyssey. Marketing Research. Chicago: Fall 2007. Vol. 19, Iss. 3. Pp. 48-50. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon & Murtaza Haider. 2007. Carrier Choice Quantified. Canadian Transportation & Logistics, May 2007, pp. 30-31. |
Haider, M., Ewing, G. & Patterson, Z. (2006). Freight Data Collection Methods: A Review.Report prepared for Transport Canada. [co-author] |
Ewing, G. & Haider, M., Patterson, Z. (2006). Decreasing GHG Emissions Through The Use Of Premium TOFC Services in the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor: A Shipper’s Perspective Using Stated Preference Techniques. Report prepared for Transport Canada. [co-author] |
Haider, M. (2006). Urbanization Challenges in Pakistan. Developing Vision 2030. A paper commissioned by the Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan. |
Haider, M. (2006). Evaluation of Computable General Equilibrium models for housing policy analysis in Canada. A report commissioned by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. |
Mirza, S. and Haider, Murtaza (March 2003). The State of Infrastructure in Canada: Implications for Infrastructure Planning and Policy. A report prepared for Infrastructure Canada. McGill University. Montreal, QC. |
Miller, E.J., Roorda M.J., Haider M., Mohammadian A., Hogg J., Wong W. (2002). Transportation and Housing Costs in the Greater Toronto Area: An Empirical Analysis. Final project report to the Neptis Foundation, Toronto: Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto. |
Doherty, Sean T., Haider, Murtaza and Lee-Gosselin, Martin (March 2001). Enhanced Mobility-Related Energy Efficiency Indicators: Providing a Technical Basis for Improved Consumer Messaging. GRIMES, Université Laval. Quebec City, QC. |
Doherty, Sean T., Haider, Murtaza and Lee-Gosselin, Martin (Dec. 2000). Exploring the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Household Activities and the Implications for Energy Efficiency. GRIMES, Université Laval. Quebec City, QC. |
Haites, Erik, & Haider, Murtaza. (July 1998). Experience with Mobile Source Emissions Trading and its Potential Application to Greenhouse Gas Emissions by the Transportation Sector. Transportation Committee, National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. Ottawa, ON. |
Conference Proceedings/Presentations/ Guest lectures |
Haider, Murtaza; Duguay, Benoit; Daniele Boulard; Mohamed Reda Khomsi; Moca, Ioana. (2015). Social media influences on travel planning and booking. 14th International Marketing Trends Conference. Paris (France). January 23-24 2015. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Did the land transfer tax affect housing sales in the Greater Toronto Area? Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance. Munk School of Global Studies. University of Toronto. November 27, 2014. |
Holmes, Cynthia; Haider, Murtaza (2014). Are neighbourhood level house price movements affected by school quality and immigrant concentration? A case study of Toronto. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. Finance Division. Muskoka, Ontario May 10-13, 2014. |
Gandomi, Amir; Haider, Murtaza (November 2014). A survey on the big data analytics and its applications. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Session: Theory and Applications of Analytics and Big Data. |
Haider, Murtaza (August 2014). Investing in Ontario’s Infrastructure for Economic Growth and Prosperity. Annual conference of Canadian Association of Business Economists. Kingston, Ontario. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Defining, evaluating and measuring research success in Canadian business schools. Associate Deans of Research Conference. Canadian Federation of Business School Deans. Concordia University, Montreal. March 23 - 25, 2014. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Urbanization Challenges in Pakistan: How to Avoid institutional and supply side failures. Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan. January 17, 2014. Islamabad, Pakistan. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Urban Transport Policy Imperatives for Pakistan. Seminar on Sustainable Urban Transport in Pakistan. Organized by The Urban Unit, Government of Punjab. January 15, 2014. Lahore, Pakistan. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit for the Future. Contemporary South Asian City Conference. Organized by the South Asia Institute at Harvard University. Karachi, Pakistan. January 9 – 12, 2014. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Building urban infrastructure for prosperity and job creation. Contemporary South Asian City Conference. Organized by the South Asia Institute at Harvard University. Karachi, Pakistan. January 9 – 12, 2014. |
Haider, Murtaza (2014). Transport-land use linkages comparisons between Western and Asian countries. Contemporary South Asian City Conference. Organized by the South Asia Institute at Harvard University. Karachi, Pakistan. January 9 – 12, 2014. |
Haider, Murtaza (2013). Use of Spatial analysis and big data in socio-economics. Pitney Bowes Data Day. Pitney Bowes. Stamford CT. November 12, 2013. |
Haider, Murtaza (2013). Mobility for All: Urbanization challenges in Pakistan. Pakistan's Galloping Urbanization. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington, DC. November 06, 2013. |
Haider, Murtaza (2013). Building a research culture at business schools in Canada. Associate Deans of Research Conference. Canadian Federation of Business School Deans. Ryerson University, Toronto. March 06-08, 2013. |
Farooq, Bilal; Miller, Eric; Haider, Murtaza (2011). Multidimensional Decision Modeling Framework for Built Space Supply. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 90th Annual Meeting. January 23-27, 2011. Washington DC. |
Framework for Built Space Supply. North American Regional Science Conference. Denver, CO. November 2010. |
Farooq, Bilal; Miller, Eric; Haider, Murtaza (2010). Modelling the evolution of office space supply. Accepted at the World Conference on Transportation Research. Lisbon. |
Farooq, Bilal; Miller, Eric; Haider, Murtaza (2010). Hedonic Analysis of Office Space Rent. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 89th Annual Meeting. January 10-14, 2010. Washington DC. |
Haider, Murtaza (December 2009). Modelling household solid waste generation rates in Pakistan. Invited lecture delivered at Kinnaird College, Lahore, Pakistan. December 19, 2009. |
Haider, Murtaza (December 2009). Urbanization Challenges in Pakistan. Invited lecture delivered at the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. December 24, 2009. |
Haider, Murtaza. (December 2007). Urban Transport Governance and Financing in Developing Countries. CIDA/Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Workshop on Transport, Health, Environment, and Equity in Indian Cities. December 17-19, 2007. New Delhi, India. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon and Murtaza Haider. (2007). Mode and Carrier Choice in the Quebec City - Windsor Corridor: A Random Parameters Approach. Proceedings of the 6th Triennal Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VI). June 2007, Phuket Island, Thailand. |
Haider, Murtaza; Patterson, Zachary; Ewing Gordon (2007). A comparative study of the cultural and institutional influences on risk management of shippers in Quebec and Ontario. Proceedings of the 2007 Meeting of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum. June 2007. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon and Murtaza Haider. (2007). Is Carrier Choice Different for 3PLs and other End-shippers? Some Preliminary Findings. Proceedings of the 2007 Meeting of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum. June 2007. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon; Haider, Murtaza (2007). Shipper Preferences Suggest Strong Mistrust of Rail: The First SP Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City – Windsor. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 86th Annual Meeting. Washington DC. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon and Murtaza Haider. (2006). The potential for premium inter-modal services to reduce CO2 emissions in the Quebec-City Windsor corridor: A Stated Preference application. 53rd North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International. November 2006. Toronto, ON. |
Haider, Murtaza (2006). Accountability and Transparency in Transport Infrastructure Investments: From the Metro in Delhi to Maglev in Karachi. Presented at the Conference on Urban Infrastructure, Transport & Environment in India. The Centre for India and South Asia Research University of British Columbia. June 14-15, 2006. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon and Murtaza Haider. (2006). The First Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor: Shipper Preferences Suggest Uphill Battle for Increasing Rail Freight Market Share. Proceedings of the 2006 Meeting of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum. May 2006. |
Patterson, Zachary; Ewing, Gordon and Murtaza Haider. (2006). Shipper/Carrier Choice Survey for the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor: Challenges for Improving Rail Freight Market Share. Presented at the 2006 Swiss Transportation Research Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona – March 15 - 17, 2006. |
Patterson, Zachary; Haider, Murtaza and Gordon Ewing. Developing a Conceptual Framework for the Integration of Urban with International Freight Transportation Models. Presented at the National Urban Freight Conference, 1-3 February, 2006, Long Beach, CA. |
Simmonds, David C.; Haider, Murtaza; Feldman, Olga; Tsang, Flavia (2005). Model Developments based upon the DELTA Package. 52nd Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association International. November 10-12, 2005, Las Vegas, NV. |
Haider, Murtaza; Spurr, Tim; Rahel, Merissa. (June 2005). Access to Work and Affordable Housing for the Working Poor in Canada. MCRI-SSHRC Colloquium at the University of Toronto. |
Haider, Murtaza and Spurr, Timothy (June 2005). Measuring the performance of accessibility indicators in Greater Montreal Area. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. June 3-4, 2005. Toronto, ON. |
Haider, Murtaza; Haider, Irteza (April 2005) Spatially disaggregate analysis of housing quality, urban services, and socio-demographics in South Asia: A case study of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The World Bank’s Urban Research Symposium: Land Development, Urban Policy and Poverty Reduction. Brasilia, Brazil. |
Mohammadian, Abolfazl; Haider, Murtaza (Jan. 2005). Incorporating Spatial Dependencies in Random Parameter Discrete Choice Models. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 84th Annual Meeting. January 9-13, 2005. Washington DC. |
Patterson, Zachary; Haider, Murtaza; Ewing, Gordon (Jan. 2005). Did September 11 Affect Freight Mode Split in the Quebec New-York Corridor? Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 84th Annual Meeting. January 9-13, 2005. Washington DC. |
Patterson, Zachary; Haider, Murtaza; Ewing, Gordon (Jan. 2005). A Gender-based Analysis of Work Trip Mode Choice of Suburban Montreal Commuters Using Stated Preference Data. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 84th Annual Meeting. January 9-13, 2005. Washington DC. |
Haider, Murtaza; Badami, Madhav. (June 2004). How to balance equity and efficiency concerns in public transit for the urban poor in Pakistan? Woodrow Wilson International Center Forum on Urban Infrastructure and Public Service Delivery for the Urban Poor. June 25-26, 2004. New Delhi, India. |
Haider, Murtaza. (May 2004). A study of regional trends in housing starts in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Haider, Murtaza. (May 2004). Impact of Free Parking, Transit Accessibility, and Socio-Demographic Attributes on Mode Choice in Toronto. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Haider, Murtaza; Badami, Madhav. (May 2004). Transparency and public participation in infrastructure investment decision-making in Canada. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Haider, Murtaza; Spurr, Tim. (May 2004). Accessibility, equity, and transit use in the United States. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Haider, Murtaza; Wing Sze Siu; Rahel, Merissa. (May 2004). A study of travel behaviour of transportation disadvantaged in Montreal. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Patterson, Zachary; Haider, Murtaza; Ewing, Gordon. (May 2004). Did September 11 affect freight travel times and mode split between Canada and the United States? A case study of freight movements between Quebec and New York. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Spurr, Tim; Rahel, Merissa; Haider, Murtaza. (May 2004). Investigating the relationship between proximity to subway stations and transit use in Montreal and Toronto. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Carter, Andrew; Ewing, Gordon; and Haider, Murtaza. (May 2004). Can policies based on the principles of new urbanism help reduce car dependency in cities? An example from Montreal. Canadian Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. May 28-29, 2004. Moncton, NB. |
Haider, Murtaza; Miller, Eric J. (January 2004). Modeling Location Choices of Housing Builders in the Greater Toronto Area. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 83rd Annual Meeting. January 11-15, 2004. Washington DC. |
Miller, Eric J.; Roorda, Matthew J.; Haider, Murtaza; Mohammadian, Abolfazl (2004). An Empirical Analysis of Travel and Housing Costs in the Greater Toronto Area. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 83rd Annual Meeting. January 11-15, 2004. Washington DC. |
Haider, Murtaza; Haider, Irteza.; Salazar, Sebastian (Dec. 2003) Resistance to public transit regulation in developing countries: Equity, efficiency and safety in Islamabad and Lima. The World Bank’s Urban Research Symposium: Urban Development for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction. Washington, D.C. |
Haider, Murtaza ; Morin, Jean-Francois ; Moerman, Tim. (2003). A study of the impact of socio-demographic factors and land use on transit ridership in Montreal. Canadian Regional Science 2003 Meetings. May 30-31, 2003. Victoria, BC. |
Haider, Murtaza (March 2003). Spatial distribution of accessibility and housing dynamics in the GTA. SSHRC's MCRI Mid-Term Review Colloquium. GRIMES, Université Laval. Quebec City, QC. |
Haider, Murtaza (June 2001). A Spatial Analysis of Residential Land Inventory in the Greater Toronto Area. Third Annual Conference of the GEOIDE Network. June 21-22, 2001. Fredericton, NB. |
Haider, Murtaza; Haroun, Antoine; Miller, Eric J. (June 2001). The Impact of Power Lines on Freehold Residential Property Values in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Regional Science 2001 Meetings. June 1-3, 2001. Montréal, QC. |
Haider, Murtaza; DiFrancesco, Richard (June 2000). A Descriptive Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Variation in Retail Real Estate Prices in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Regional Science 2000 Meetings. June 2-4, 2000. Toronto, ON. |
Haider, Murtaza (June 2000). Improving Public Transit Access to Large Airports: A Case Study of Pearson Airport in Toronto. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF) Conference. June 4 - 7, 2000. Charlottetown, PEI. |
Haider, Murtaza; Miller, Eric J. (January 2000). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Housing Values in the GTA: Application of Spatial Autoregressive Techniques. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 79th Annual Meeting. January 8-13, 2000. Washington DC. |
Haider, Murtaza; Miller, Eric J. (November 1999). Development of Hedonic Price Indices for Freehold Properties in the Greater Toronto Area: Application of Spatial Autoregressive Techniques. 46th North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International. November 11-14, 1999. Montréal, QC. |
Courses Taught at Toronto Metropolitan University (2006 – present):
Courses Taught at McGill University (2002-2006):
Course code | Course title |
URBP 619 | Transportation and Land Development |
URBP 616 | Urban Infrastructure Investments |
CIVE 540 | Urban Transportation Planning |
CIVE 319 | Transportation Engineering |
Teaching Excellence Award |
Morrison Hershfield Teaching Excellence Award (U of T) Voted by the students and the faculty as the best teaching assistant (2000) |
Publication Awards |
Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF) Best Doctoral Research Paper (Jim Davey) Award (2000) |
Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF) Best Master’s Research Paper (Albert Stevens) Award (1999) |
Scholarships/Fellowships |
Geoide’s Innovative Idea Award (2001) |
Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Scholarship (2000) |
CSISS Scholarship (Univ. of California) (2000) |
University of Toronto Open Fellowship (2000-2001) |
ERC Scholarship (PGS-B) (1999-2001) |
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) (1999-2000) |
University of Toronto Open Fellowship(1999-2000) |
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)(1998-99) |
University of Toronto Connaught Scholarship (1998-99) |
University of Toronto Open Fellowship (1998-99) |
Canadian Transp. Research Forum (Graduate Scholarship) (1998-99) |
University of Toronto Open Fellowship (1996-97) |
Leadership Award |
University of Toronto Excellence in Leadership Award (1998) |
Presentation Awards |
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Student Research Competition, Best Presentation Award (2000) |
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Student Research Competition, Best Presentation Award (1998) |
Source | Purpose | Amount | Year |
Ryerson (TRSM) Internal research grant | Tax increment financing for infrastructure development | $7,000 | 2015 |
Centre for Urban Research and Land Development | Tax increment financing for infrastructure development | $7,500 | 2015 |
Centre for Urban Research and Land Development | Housing needs of seniors in Canada | $7,400 | 2014 |
Centre for Labour Management Relations | Mismatch in skills and jobs in Canada | $7,500 | 2013 |
Centre for Labour Management Relations | Impact of commuting on work-life balance | $7,500 | 2012 |
Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario | Simulating the impact of investing in Ontario’s infrastructure for economic growth and job creation | $55,000 | 2012 |
Centre for Labour Management Relations | Impact of unionization on immigrant wages in Canada) 2012 MITACS Globalink Program | $7,000 | 2012 |
MITACS Globalink Program | Math proficiency in high school students in Ontario and its impact on universities | $25,000 | 2012 |
Office of Vice President Research, Ryerson University. | Analyzing customer complaints in public sector | $5,000 | 2012 |
Maritz Canada Inc. | Advanced methods in consumer analytics | $15,481 | 2012 |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | Accounting for self-selection bias in travel behaviour analysis | $22,000 | 2012 |
Transport Canada | Impact of overseas trade and seaports’ capacity | $160,000 | 2010-2011 |
Higher Education Commission (Pakistan) | To improve infrastructure engineering & planning research & practice in developing countries | $420,000 | 2007-2008 |
Higher Education Commission (Pakistan) | Government of Pakistan funded my proposal to set-up an infrastructure planning institute in Pakistan | $2,580,000 | 2005-2008 |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | A study of new-urbanist developments | $100,000 | 2005 |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | Application of CGE models for housing policy | $35,000 |
2005 |
Transport Canada | Inter-city freight model of shippers | $130,000 | 2004-2006 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | To study MAUP and travel demand models | $85,000 | 2004-2008 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | To study the link between cancer and traffic-related emissions | $20,000 |
2004-2005 |
SSHRC’s Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) | To analyze equity dimensions of accessibility | $30,000 | 2004-2005 |
Canada Foundation for Innovation | To develop integrated land use transportation models | $440,000 | 2003-2006 |
McGill Startup Grant | Startup funding to develop land use models | $40,000 | 2002-2005 |