Dr. Danielle Lamb
Danielle Lamb is an Assistant Professor in the department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour in the Ted Rogers School of Management. Danielle Lamb’s research broadly focuses on employment and earnings disparities in Canada. Danielle completed her PhD in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations from the University of Toronto in 2012.
Danielle’s current line of research focuses on non-standard work with a lens to exploring how such work arrangements may create or exacerbate economic inequalities. Danielle has taught a number of courses in the HRMOB department. Presently, Dr. Lamb teaches the introductory human resource management course. Danielle has also been actively involved in the MScM program as supervisor and thesis committee member.
Earnings and employment disparities, labour market inequalities, non-standard work.
Research and Professional Contributions |
Lamb, D., Gomez, R. and Moghaddas, M. (2021) Unions and Hazard Pay for COVID-19: Evidence from the Canadian Labour Force Survey. (external link, opens in new window) British Journal of Industrial Relations, Online Nov. 01, 2021. |
Lamb, D. and Verma, A. (2021) Nonstandard Employment and Indigenous Earnings Inequality in Canada (external link, opens in new window) . Journal of Industrial Relations, Online June 8, 2021. |
Lamb, D., Banerjee, R. and Verma, A. (2021) Immigrant-Non-Immigrant Wage Differentials in Canada: A Comparison between Standard and Non-Standard Jobs (external link, opens in new window) . International Migration Online Jan. 15, 2021. |
Gomez, R. and Lamb, D. (2019). Unions and Non-Standard Work: Union Representation and Wage Premiums Across Non-Standard Work Arrangements in Canada, 1997-2014. Industrial and Labour Relations Review (ILRR), Advance Online June 3, 2019. |
Shantz, A., Banerjee, R. and Lamb, D. (2019) The Relationship between Male and Female Youth Volunteering and Extrinsic Career Success. Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ), 48(2S): 201S-225S (Issue 2 supplement April 2019). First published online October 27, 2018. |
Lamb, D., Yap, M. and Turk, M. (2018) Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal Wage Gaps in Canada: Evidence from the 2011 National Household Survey. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 73(2): 225-251. |
Gomez, R. and Lamb, D. (2016). Unions and Traditionally Disadvantaged Workers: Evidence from Union Wage Premiums in Canada, 2000 to 2012. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 5(3): 1-21. |
Lamb, D. (2015). The Economic Impact of the Great Recession on Aboriginal People Living Off Reserve in Canada. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 70(3): 457-85. |
Lamb, D. (2014). Aboriginal Early School Leavers On-and-Off Reserve: An Empirical Analysis. Canadian Public Policy, 40(2): 156-65. |
Lamb, D. (2013) Earnings Inequality among Aboriginal Groups in Canada. Journal of Labour Research, 34(2): 224-240. |
Gomez, R. and Lamb, D. (2013). The Demographic Origins of the Great Recession: Implications for China. China and World Economy, 21(2): 97-118. |