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Human Resources Management

During your first year at the School of Business Management, you'll acquire the foundational business knowledge that prepares you to specialize in a major.

Undergraduate major overview

Acquire the knowledge, critical thinking, and practical skills that will enable you to create organizational effectiveness, lead human resources management strategies, and enhance the human condition at work.

Human Resources Management (HRM) Majors learn to think critically about the challenges involved in creating high performance workplaces where innovation, diversity, and ethical behaviour are valued and rewarded. HRM Majors are educated in Human Resources Management (HRM), Organizational Behaviour (OB) and Industrial Relations (IR) and can select courses that qualify them for the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation and a career in HRM. Students learn about all the major functions of HRM such as recruitment and compensation, and develop OB knowledge and skills in areas such as leadership, interpersonal communication, conflict management, and team building. Experiential learning is stressed in upper level courses through the use of simulated clients, role playing and on-line simulations.

Business management students must complete a total of 40 credits which include Required, Required Group or Professional elective, Professionally-Related and Liberal Studies courses. The curriculum provides you with a general overview of business in society, introduces you to all of the basic business functions, and develops awareness of social, human and economic issues through the introduction of the liberal studies.

40 Credits

Degree Earned
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)

The part-time program is offered to accommodate students who intend to take the degree at a slower pace than the full-time program, due to their other personal and/or family obligations. Part-time students fulfil their course requirements by enrolling in courses which are generally scheduled to take place on campus between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm during the week. Part-time students are entitled to enroll in a maximum of three courses per semester.

  • Human Resources Manager
  • Compensation and Benefit Analyst
  • Employee Relations Specialist
  • Senior Recruiter
  • Trainer/Facilitator
  • Organization Effectiveness Consultant
  • Employee Relations Officer
  • Job Analyst
  • Human Resources Generalist
  • Human Resources Information Systems Specialist
  • Labour Relations Coordinator
  • Human Resources Policy Analyst
  • Employee Wellness Specialist

Program Format
Full time, Part time and
Direct Entry

Average Fees*
Domestic - $9,400 / Year
International - $33,400 / Year

Dr Hasko Von Kriegstein reciveing an award from Dean Daphne Taras
Awards and Scholarships

To recognize student excellence, we offer many awards and scholarships to our students.

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* Please visit the Undergraduate Fees page for full details.