Dr. Mohammad Nikoofal
Dr. Mohammad Nikoofal joined the faculty of the Ted Rogers School of Management in 2016 as an assistant professor in global management studies. Previously, he was an assistant professor of operations and supply chain management at Catolica-Lisbon school of business and economics in Lisbon, Portugal. He earned his Ph.D. in Operations Management from Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. He also holds a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Tehran Polytechnic, and a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology.
His research focuses on the application of operations research techniques, specifically game theory and robust optimization, and economics methodologies, specifically theory of incentives and mechanism design with special focus on information asymmetry, to develop normative recommendations in both public policy, in the context of homeland security and public-private partnership in security, and private sector, in the context of supply chain risk management.
His research in homeland security aims to help government to explore the impact of terrorist’s private information in defensive resource allocation decisions. Thanks to his research in homeland security and his background in economics, his current research focuses on developing public incentives to attract private sector investment in security. This is one of the demanding research areas indicated by Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). He currently holds insight development grant from SSHRC to develop models of Public-Private Partnership to enhance Canadian homeland security. On the other hand, his research in supply chain risk management mainly focuses on designing effective contractual strategies, and exploring their incentive-related problems, in a decentralized supply chain under information asymmetry.
Homeland security, public-private partnership, supply chain risk management, and OM-finance interface.
- Gao, L., Nikoofal, M.E. and Zhang, W., 2022. The strategic role of supplier learning. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming.
- Ertekin, N., Gümüş, M. and Nikoofal, M.E., 2022. Online-exclusive or hybrid? Channel merchandising strategies for ship-to-store implementation. Management Science, 68(8), pp.5828-5846.
- Nikoofal, M. E., & Gümüş, M. (2020). Value of audit for supply chains with hidden action and information. European Journal of Operational Research, 285(3), 902-915.
- Nikoofal, M. E., and Mehmet Gümüş, (2019) Supply Diagnostic Incentives under Endogenous Information Asymmetry. Production and Operations Management 28.3: 588-609.
- Nikoofal, M. E., and Mehmet Gümüş, (2018) Quality at the source or at the end? Managing supplier quality under information asymmetry. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20.3: 498-516.
- Media coverage: How to Keep Suppliers Honest—Instead of Allowing Them Every Opportunity not to Be, September 2019, by McGill—delve,: https://mcgill.ca/delve/article/blog/how-keep-suppliers-honest-instead-allowing-them-every-opportunity-not-be.
- Media coverage: How to Keep Suppliers Honest—Instead of Allowing Them Every Opportunity not to Be, September 2019, by McGill—delve,: https://mcgill.ca/delve/article/blog/how-keep-suppliers-honest-instead-allowing-them-every-opportunity-not-be.
- Nikoofal, M. E. and Zhuang, J., (2015) On the Value of Secrecy and Exposure of Defense System: First-Mover Advantage vs. Robustness, 246 (1), 320 – 330, European Journal of Operational Research.
Finalist at INFORMS Decision Analysis Society (DAS) 2013, Best Student Paper Award (among 6 finalists out of 34) - Nikoofal, M. E. and M. Gumus, (2015) On the Value of Terrorist’s Private Information in Government’s Defensive Resource Allocation Problem, 47, 1 – 23, IIE Transactions.
- Winner of GERAD (Group for Research in Decision Analysis) Doctoral Student Award
- Featured Article in IE (Industrial Engineer) Magazine, May 2015, Volume 47, Number 5
- Finalist in Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) 2012, Best Student Paper Award (Among 4 papers accepted)
- Media coverage: “Spending defence budgets the wrong way risks major damage from terrorist attacks,".
- Nikoofal, M. E. and Zhuang, J. (2012), Robust Allocation of a Defensive Budget Considering an Attacker's Private Information, 32 (5): 930 – 943, Risk Analysis.
- Nikoofal, M. E. and Sadjadi, S. J. (2010), A robust optimization model for p-median problem with uncertain edge lengths. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 50 (1-4), 391 – 397.
- Nikoofal, M. E. and Moattar Husseini, S. M. (2010), An inventory model with dependent returns and disposal cost, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 1 (1), 45 – 54.
Honour / Award |
Finalist of the INFORMS Decision Analysis Society (DAS) Student Paper Award, 2013 |
Finalist of the CORS (Canadian Operational Research Society) Student Paper Award, 2012 |
GERAD (Group for Research in Decision Analysis), 6,500$, 2011 Doctoral Student Financial Award |
Rathlyn Foundation PhD Fellowship, $6,500, 2013 |
National Bank Financial Group Fellowship, $5,000, 2012 |
McGill University PhD Fellowship, 2009 – 2014 |
Research Funding and Role: Principal Investigator (PI) or (Co-PI) |
NSERC Discovery Grant, 2019 – 2024, $130,000. (PI) |
NSERC Discovery Launch Supplement Award, 2019 – 2024, $12,500. (PI) |
Public Safety Canada, Policy Development Contribution Program 2017 – 2019, $27,640. (PI) |
Ryerson Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada Institutional Grant 2017 – 2018, $9,230. (PI) |
Ryerson Dean’s Start-up Grant, $12,000, 2016-2020. (PI) |
Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Grant, €10,000, 2015-2016. (PI) |
SSHRC Insight Development Grant 2018, Project: Collaborative Transportation Management under Information Asymmetry, $72,000. (Co-PI) |
SSHRC Insight Development Grant 2016, Project: Public-Private Partnership to Enhance Homeland Security, $60,000$. (Co-PI) |
Invited Seminar Presentations |
Supply Diagnostic Incentives under Endogenous Information Asymmetry, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, April 2016. |
Supply Diagnostic Incentives under Endogenous Information Asymmetry, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherland, September 2015. |
Value of Information in Contract Manufacturing, IESE Business School, Department of Managerial Decision Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, February 2014. |
Value of Information in Contract Manufacturing, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal, December 2013. |
On the Value of Terrorist’s Private Information in Government’s Defensive Resource Allocation Problem CIPSS 2012 (Center for International Peace and Security Studies conference, University de Montreal, Canada, March 2012. |
How To (and How Not To) Manage Supplier’s Process Improvement: Delegation, Incentives, or Audit, Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD), Montreal, Canada, May 2012. |