Career Mentoring

The Career Mentoring Program aims to assist TMU students to make a successful and informed transition from university into the workforce, preferably in their field of interest. The Undergraduate Career Mentoring Program matches upper year (3rd year and above) students with industry professionals.
Note: there are also additional career mentoring programs available. Please see under "specialized career mentoring programs."
- Explore how your identity relates to the industry/occupation of your interest
- Receive guidance, advice and insight from a professional in the industry/occupation of your interest
- Get support in achieving your personal & professional development goals
- Develop networking skills and expand your professional network
- Going into your 3rd year or above in your undergraduate program at the time of the application
- Be or have been a peer mentor at the Tri-Mentoring Program
- Be available to connect with your career mentor around 2 hours per month; around 8 hours per semester (not applicable to Flash Mentoring)
Flash Mentoring
Students and industry professionals have the opportunity to be part of an informal mentoring relationship without being matched directly with a student/professional for the school year.
Think of it as a tailored - style networking platform. Students can reach out to anyone visible in the Industry Professionals tab on the TMP portal if they see something that peaks their interest based on the industry professionals' profiles, educational background, or work background. It provides students with the opportunity to connect with multiple industry professionals, build a network and gain tailored career guidance.
This is not an ongoing mentorship arrangement. Flash Mentoring is intended to be short, efficient transactions of information and advice. Industry professionals are also free to determine how much capacity they have to be taking on additional mentoring opportunities.
Please note: Students and industry professionals who have been matched for the Career Mentoring Program still have the opportunity to connect with other participants in the program.
- Mentees are expected to attend and pass a brief interview with one of the Career Mentoring Assistants to ensure their fit for the program
- Watch training available on the TMP Community Portal (external link)
- Interact with mentors around 2 times (max 1 hour each) per month - Lack of communication will result in removal from the program. This can be through TMP's online communication portal (preferred method), social medial, text messaging, video call, in person (on campus or off campus)
- Complete all TMP Assessments as prompted to (ex: surveys that you may receive in your email regarding your mentoring relationship or experience with the program overall)
Applications for the upcoming academic year (e.g. September 2024) open every year around early March and close at the end of May.
Typical timeline for the Undergraduate Career Mentoring Program:
- Applications for mentees open: April 15th
- Application for mentees close: May 31st
- Mentor recruitment: May-August
- Selected students notified & matched: August
- Mentoring starts: August/September
- Mentoring ends: end of March
Please note: Due to the large number of applications, we will typically do not review applications that are submitted past this date, unless we have unmatched career mentors.
Apply to become a career mentee (user type: student) at (external link)
- All applicants will be called for a one-on-one interview with a Career Mentoring Assistant and/or Mentoring Facilitator
- Applicants will be assessed on eligibility and criteria, strengths, goals and level of commitment
- Selected applicants are not guaranteed a match. This depends on the availability of career mentors. If you are not matched or have signed up for Flash Mentoring only, you can be approved to interact with multiple career mentors
Together with TMU campus partners, the TMP also facilitates the following specialized Career Mentoring Programs:
- The Faculty of Science’s SciMentorship program is an opportunity for alumni, friends, and senior leaders in the community to connect with upper-year science students and provide guidance to help students excel in their future STEM careers.
- Print Wisdom is a mentorship program that connects seasoned professionals in the graphic arts industry with 2nd year and above students in the Graphic Communications Management (GCM) program
- Chang School Career Flash Mentoring aims to support continuing education students by providing them with an online portal where they can connect with industry professionals and alumni to build a network, gain insight into industries of interest and receive tips on how to navigate their career transitions
- Graduate Students Career Mentoring provides a 1-on-1 mentorship match for TMU graduate students who want to explore their industry of interest, receive valuable career insights and guidance, and prepare for the transition into the workforce
For more information on the Career Mentoring Program, please email the Tri-Mentoring Program general email at