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Research Chairs in Sociology
Dr. Anna Triandafyllidou holds the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration, which is the first CERC in the social sciences and humanities, and the first awarded to Toronto Metropolitan University. The CERC produces innovative and usable knowledge on the links between migration and post-migration processes, forced and voluntary mobility, internal and international migration, and the role of countries of origin and transit.
CRC in Biskaabiiyang and Indigenous Political Resurgence
Dr. Damien Lee holds the Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Biskaabiiyang and Indigenous Political Resurgence, which builds a comprehensive knowledge base about Indigenous peoples’ inherent political systems in Canada. This research chair is framed by two key principles: First, that Indigenous peoples have their own systems of governance that exist regardless of whether they are recognized by the Canadian state; and second, that such systems can remain unreconciled with Canada and still maintain their legitimacy.