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Policy 95: The Development and Approval of International Partnerships and International (and National) Mobility Programs

This Policy outlines the approval process for the establishment of formal international partnerships between Toronto Metropolitan University and partners that involve the following activities:

a) International (and national) student and faculty mobility programs
b) Joint international Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) initiatives
c) International development projects

International partnerships developed outside this policy that facilitate the above-listed activities will not be endorsed by Toronto Metropolitan University.

Issues relevant to the development of international collaborative academic programs are addressed in Toronto Metropolitan University’s Senate Policy #155.

1. Preamble

Toronto Metropolitan University will establish international partnerships that are in keeping with the University’s mandate and that are mutually beneficial to Toronto Metropolitan and the participating institution(s). The nature of the collaboration and the activities to be carried out must support theachievement of objectives presented in Toronto Metropolitan’s Academic Plan and the SRC Strategic Plan.

Academic units and/or faculty members who wish to develop international partnerships mustconsult Toronto Metropolitan International (RI) during the early phases of the development these arrangements. Toronto Metropolitan International will provide tools and support services relevant to the development and approval of international partnerships.

* The procedures for the development and approval of partnerships that facilitate student and faculty mobility programs within Canada are also governed by this policy.

All University-approved Memorandum of Understanding and International Institutional Agreements governed by this policy will be public documents, and will be available through Toronto Metropolitan International and the participating Toronto Metropolitan academic unit(s). The official documentswill be in English and, when requested, also in the language of the international institution(s).

2. Definitions

The following definitions of terms generally used in documenting the nature of the international collaboration and level of commitment between Toronto Metropolitan University and international partner institution(s) is provided here to guide the Toronto Metropolitan community, and international partner institutions.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):

At Toronto Metropolitan University, an MOU is often used to promote good will between the University andinternational partners. It is often a precursor to future and more comprehensive formal international agreements.

An MOU must outline:

a) The identified areas of cooperation to be carried out by Toronto Metropolitan University and the international institution(s);
b) The terms and conditions under which these activities will be carried out;
c) The financial responsibilities of Toronto Metropolitan University and of
the international institution; and
d) The duration of the MOU (to a maximum of five years), and the conditions for its continuation or termination.

2.1. International Institutional Agreements (IIA):

An IIA is a formal agreement between Toronto Metropolitan University and an international institution, whichdocuments the agreed-on details including those concerning student and faculty mobility activities; collaborative international SRC activities; and, the joint implementation of international development projects. An IIA must outline all key information relevant to the partnership and activities to be carried out, including the following:

a) The objectives of the international collaboration, and its relevance to mandates
and priorities of the two institutions;
b) A description of the areas of collaboration, and where available, an outline
of specific activities to be carried out;
c) The terms and conditions governing the collaboration;
d) The roles and responsibilities of Toronto Metropolitan University and the international partner institution, including the financial
responsibilities of each institution; and
e) The duration of the agreement (to a maximum of five years), the monitoring and review of the partnership, and conditions for the continuation and/or termination of the partnership and associated

3. Development and Approval of International Institutional Partnerships

3.1. Establishment of International Institutional Partnerships:

Requests to establish international institutional partnerships may be initiated by an academic unit, a faculty member, or by a Toronto Metropolitan administrator. Requests from academic units and facultymembers to initiate the development of an international institutional partnership must be made through the submission of a written proposal to the appropriate Dean(s) and Chair(s)/Director(s). This proposal must illustrate the relevance of the proposed collaboration to the academic and SRC priorities of the participating Toronto Metropolitan academic unit(s). Proposals approved at the Faculty level must be forwarded to Toronto Metropolitan International for coordination of the development of the documentation and its submission for approval by the University. In consultation with the participating Toronto Metropolitan academic unit(s), Toronto Metropolitan International will communicate with the participating international institution(s) on the development of the proposed partnership, and finalization of the associated MOU or IIA.

3.2. Approval, Termination and Renewal:

The authority to approve, terminate or renew an international partnerships and associated instruments, rests with the University’s signing officer(s) and is governed by the signing policies of the University. Toronto Metropolitan requires that multi-year agreements be signed by two University signing officers. Therefore, MOUs and IIAs governed by this policy will be signed by the Provost and Vice President Academic, and the Vice President Research and Innovation.

3.3. Duration and Review of Memoranda of Understanding and International Institutional Agreements:

3.3.1. MOUs and IIAs that govern student and faculty mobility initiatives, joint international SRC activities, and partnerships to implement international development projects, endorsed by Toronto Metropolitan University, may be approved for amaximum of five (5) years.

3.3.2. On an ongoing basis and in collaboration with the participating academic unit(s), Toronto Metropolitan International will monitor international partnerships.

3.3.3. MOUs and IIAs must undergo a review at five-year intervals to evaluate their continued relevance to Toronto Metropolitan’s mandate and priorities. Toronto Metropolitan International, incollaboration with participating academic units will coordinate the review of the partnership and associated MOU or IIA, using a results-based evaluation methodology developed by Toronto Metropolitan International. Toronto Metropolitan International will document and submit the results of the review to the relevant Dean(s), who will make recommendations for the renewal or termination of the partnership to the Provost and Vice President Academic and the Vice President Research and Innovation.

3.4. Administration of Memoranda of Understanding and International Institutional Agreements:

Toronto Metropolitan International will manage all processes involving requests to develop, approve, monitor,review, continue or terminate an international partnership involving:

a) International (and national) student and faculty mobility activities;
b) Joint international Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) activities; and
c) The joint implementation international development projects with international partners

3.5. Record of Agreements:

An original of all MOUs and IIAs signed by Toronto Metropolitan University and international partner institution(s) must be filed with the Secretary of Senate.

4. Procedures

The tools and procedures for the development, approval, monitoring and review of international institutional partnerships are the responsibility of Toronto Metropolitan International, and are available on the Toronto Metropolitan International website under the “Faculty E-Guide for International Activities”, or directly from Toronto Metropolitan International.