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RETIRED Policy 37: Procedure for Dealing with Disputes Over Grades Between a Chair and Faculty Member

Policy Information Details
Policy Number: 
Approval Date:  June 5, 1984

Policies adopted:

  1. While the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association concedes that the Chair is responsible for submitting grades to the Registrar, it recommends the Chair not be allowed to change them without discussion with, and agreement from, the faculty member affected.
  2. Upon failure of the Chair and the faculty member to reach agreement, the issue would be passed to a committee. The Chair of this committee shall have previously been appointed for a stated period of time by the Department Advisory Council (DAC) of the department. On notice that a dispute has arisen, the committee Chair shall appoint two fellow members, at least one of whom shall have expertise in the area involved in the dispute and one of whom may come from outside the department.
  3. The committee shall be constituted and a decision shall be made within five working days of the initial submission of the disputed marks in order that the students involved shall not have their course of studies unduly interrupted. The committee's decision shall be final and binding on both the administration and the faculty member.