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Policy 157: Establishment and Use of Toronto Metropolitan Student e-mail Accounts for Official University Communication

I. Student Email Obligations:

All students in full and part-time graduate, undergraduate, including Doctor of Medicine (MD) and law degree programs and all continuing education students are required to activate and maintain their Toronto Metropolitan online identity in order to regularly access Toronto Metropolitan's E-mail, MyServiceHub, portal and learning system, and other systems by which they will receive official University communications.

Students are required to monitor and retrieve messages and information issued to them by the University via Toronto Metropolitan online systems on a frequent and consistent basis. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical.

Students may forward their Toronto Metropolitan E-mail account to another electronic mail service provider address but remain responsible for ensuring that all University electronic message communication sent to their official Toronto Metropolitan E-mail account is received and read.

Procedures for student activation and use, as well as the Toronto Metropolitan Student Computing Guidelines, shall be available on the Toronto Metropolitan University website.

Students may communicate with Toronto Metropolitan and Toronto Metropolitan faculty, clinical faculty, instructors, teaching and graduate assistants, resident physicians and staff in a variety of ways: in-person; telephone; letters (either hand-delivered, by regular Canada Post, courier or registered mail) or electronically. Toronto Metropolitan requires that any electronic communications by students to Toronto Metropolitan faculty or staff be sent from their official Toronto Metropolitan E-mail account.

II. Use of Toronto Metropolitan Student Email Accounts:

  1. Toronto Metropolitan student email accounts may be used for, but are not limited to, the following: course related communication; communication regarding Toronto Metropolitan administrative or academic policies, procedures and/or deadlines; information on scholarly events and opportunities; professional development; and promotion of Toronto Metropolitan events.
  2. Toronto Metropolitan student email may be used for institutional surveys approved by the University Planning Office and surveys and research recruitment approved by the Research Ethics Board (REB), where appropriate as per Senate Policy 51: Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Subjects. Other surveys, questionnaires, etc., require approval of the list owner as below.
  3. Ownership of Toronto Metropolitan student email lists: The following may authorize use of Toronto Metropolitan student email for the indicated groups. The list owner may send an email on behalf of the requestor, but may not give the email list to the requestor.

a. Provost and Vice President Academic, the Vice President, Administration and Finance, or the Vice Provost Students - all students.
b. Dean of a Faculty, G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, or Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies – students in that Faculty or School.
c. Department/School - Chair/Director – students in that department or school. For the MD Program, the Associate Dean, Undergrauate Medical Education or designate.
d. Instructors – students in a class that they teach (for course related communication only).  For the MD Program, the Directors and Associate Director, Curriculum or designate.