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Draft Senate Policy Template

This template will assist with drafting and formatting Senate policies. It contains descriptions of what information should be provided for each section of a policy.

NOTE: All policy documents should use Arial font, size 12. Main headings should use Arial, size 13, followed by 6pt spacing.


1. Paragraph Header

1.1 Sub-section Header

1.1.1 Sub-sub section Header Sub-sub-sub section Header

Policy Document Title

Include the following information in the Policy Document:

Related Documents: Title of all related document(s) such as procedures, schedules, or forms, and links to the document(s). If there are more than a few items that need to be listed, consider placing this section at the end of the policy.
Responsible Office: Title, role, and/or department.
Approval: Senate.
Approval Dates: Date of initial approval followed by date(s) of policy reviews when Senate approved the changes.

1. Purpose

Describe the policy's objective(s).

2. Application and Scope

Describe to whom or to what the policy applies. Note any excluded groups or areas if relevant.

3. Definitions

Provide key terms, abbreviations, and acronyms associated with the policy. Include specific terms that are important to understand the policy. If appropriate, consider providing a link to the glossary of Policy #2: Undergraduate Curriculum Structure.

4. Values and Principles

Identify the values and governing principles for the policy. You may choose to separate the substantial and operational principles, examples of which are provided in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the Policy Framework.

5. Policy

Provide focused statements. Use simple, straightforward language. Include reference to applicable policy principles, glossaries, appendices, etc. from other relevant policies.

6. Procedures

Provide details on the appropriate and necessary steps required to comply with the policy.

NOTE: Whereas policy determines "what" is to be achieved, procedure determines "how" it is to be achieved.

Optional Sections

1. Roles and Responsibilities

Identifies the roles and responsibilities of employees, students or others, as related to the policy. Does not include a repetition of who the Approver is, unless the role has additional and specific responsibilities as related to the policy.

2. Rescinded Policies or Related documents

Highlight any policies that are rescinded as a result of this policy coming into effect OR any other policies/documents that are related and/or relevant to this policy.

3. Glossary/Appendices

If the list of definitions and terms is too long to be included at the start of the beginning of the policy, consider creating a glossary and include it as an appendix to the policy.

Any other information that is relevant to the policy, but not appropriate for the policy or procedures section, may be included as an appendix e.g. guidelines, flowcharts, etc.

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The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lens for Policy Development and Policy Review


Policies may inadvertently create barriers for individuals or groups. The following worksheets are intended to provide a lens that will engage policymakers to consider the potential impact of Policies and procedures for diverse peoples. Policies should not have unequal impact, services provided should be accessible and decisions should be fair and flexible.

Toronto Metropolitan University Academic Plan – Community and Inclusion Values

Community: The University sustains its commitment to ensuring a strong sense of belonging and engagement for students, alumni, faculty and staff, and values mutual and reciprocal relationships with the broader community.

Inclusion: The University values the equitable, intentional and ongoing engagement of diversity within every facet of university life. It is the shared responsibility of all community members to foster a welcoming, supportive and respectful learning, teaching, research and work environment.

Equity: The University values the fair and just treatment of all community members through the creation of opportunities and the removal of barriers to address historic and current disadvantages for under-represented and marginalized groups.

Diversity: The University values and respects diversity of knowledge, worldviews and experiences that come from membership in different groups, and the contribution that diversity makes to the learning, teaching, research and work environment.

Respect for Indigenous Perspectives: The University will continue to cultivate and develop relationships with Indigenous communities, both within and outside the university. The campus environment will embrace and support Indigenous learners, faculty and staff, and ensure Indigenous people take a leading role in the advancement of Indigenous education at the University .

Access: The University is committed to providing access to education and employment opportunities at the University for students, faculty and staff of all backgrounds, in particular those from marginalized and under-represented groups.

EDI Considerations

Systemic Barriers

Consider how the Policy and procedures reflect the University’s values and might be inclusive or exclusive for women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and LGBTQ and racialized people. Also consider impacts based on religion and socio economic status, and for those who are new to Canada.

Consider including EDI principles and values in the Policy. For example, in a section about principles or values that are the foundation of the Policy.

Consider power imbalances and attempt to address them in the Policy and associated procedures. Those with power, because they are in leadership roles and/or because they are in the dominant social group, often have advantages over those who are not in leadership roles and/or are not in the dominant social group. Those with power often get to determine what is acceptable and appropriate in a given set of circumstances.

Recommended Actions and Examples

  • Consult broadly with individuals and groups who are interested or active in advancing equity, diversity and inclusion for the aforementioned groups and can consult with individuals from those groups (e.g. Chairs of Access Toronto Metropolitan University working groups and Positive Space).
  • Ensure processes address power differentials, such as when student makes a complaint about an instructor or an employee disagrees with the decision of their manager or supervisor. For example, provide for a third-party decision maker or advisor role to be involved in the process.
  • Obtain demographic data to be informed about how specific Policies and procedures may have a disproportionate impact on some groups (e.g. higher percentage of smokers amongst Indigenous peoples and immigrants from some countries compared to the general population).
  • Review academic research articles, relevant to the subject matter, from an equity, diversity and inclusion perspective (e.g. when developing security and safety related Policies, review literature related to how those Policies might create barriers for racialized people).


Policy Considerations

(Note any considerations specific to the Policy under review or being developed.)

Inclusive Language

Consider whether the language of the Policy reflects the values of equity, diversity and inclusion, particularly in examples and guidelines.

Specifically, consider whether the language is gender neutral, refrains from reflecting stereotypes and biases, and acknowledges differences.

Recommended Actions and Examples

  • Use language that promotes inclusion and avoids bias (e.g., use the term ‘mental well-being’ or ‘mental health condition,’ which is more inclusive compared with the term ‘mental illness.’ Use the term person who ‘uses a wheelchair’ or ‘wheelchair user’ instead of person ‘confined to a wheelchair’).
  • Use plain language and avoid idiomatic expressions (e.g. ‘waiting in the wings’) or colloquialisms (e.g. ‘blacklist’) that may have negative connotations for some groups and/or may not be understood by people from different ethnic backgrounds or for whom English is not a first language.
  • Avoid terminology such as ‘man-made’ or ‘man hours’ (can use ‘machine made’ or ‘synthetic’, and ‘hours of work’ or ‘person hours’).
  • Use gender inclusive language such as ‘they’ instead of ‘he/she’ and use ‘spouse’ or ‘partner’ instead of ‘husband/wife’. When providing examples that involve relationships include same sex relationship examples.
  • Use ‘person(s) with a disability’ instead of ‘disabled person or people’
  • Avoid terminology such as ‘suffers from’ when referring to a person with a particular type of condition.
  • Capitalize the proper names of peoples such as First Nations, South Asian, Trans, etc.


Policy Considerations

(Note any considerations specific to the Policy under review or being developed)

Fairness and Flexibility

Consider whether the Policy and associated processes support fair decision making and provide a flexible framework, in which decisions are made based on specific facts and circumstances.

The focus should be on fair outcomes and not on having everyone necessarily follow the same process. Consider whether the Policy reflects the principle that treating people fairly does not necessarily mean treating them the same.

Processes under the Policy should be transparent and allow for individuals to participate in the decisions that impact them. Further, providing alternatives and acknowledging different paths or processes will increase a Policy’s transparency and accessibility for all individuals.

Recommended Actions and Examples

  • Ensure the Policy informs individuals of the basis for making decisions that impact them.
  • Allow for the consideration of specific circumstances when making decisions and avoid rigid rules that do not permit discretion to be applied in different situations. For example, a person relying on Wheeltrans to get to work may need flexibility to accommodate the unpredictability of arrival times that others who have more transportation options do not.
  • Ensure forms and documents are in accessible formats (see link to Access Toronto Metropolitan University resources below).
  • Outline how the Policy provides for: a) input into decisions by the person(s) affected by the decision; and b) appeals of decisions that impact individual(s).
  • Include provisions for individual needs to be accommodated.


Policy Considerations

(Note any considerations specific to the Policy under review or being developed)

Human Rights and Competing Interests

Consider whether the Policy is consistent with Human Rights principles, treats individuals with dignity and respect and does not have an inequitable impact based on protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code).

The Code prohibits discrimination against people based on protected grounds in protected social areas. Protected grounds include:

  • Age
  • Ancestry
  • Colour
  • Race
  • Citizenship
  • Ethnic Origin
  • Place of Origin
  • Creed
  • Disability
  • Family Status
  • Marital Status (including single status)
  • Gender Identity
  • Gender Expression
  • Receipt of Public Assistance (housing only)
  • Record of Offences (employment only)
  • Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
  • Sexual Orientation

Protected Social areas include accommodation (housing), contracts, employment, goods, services and facilities (including education), and membership in unions, trade or professional associations.

Consider whether the Policy recognizes, and provides mechanisms, to resolve potential competing interests.

An example of competing rights can be seen in cases involving rights based on sex and based on religion. Some people in Western society consider wearing a niqab or veil to cover one’s face to be oppression of women. In some countries, such as France, niqabs are completely banned in public.

Recommended Actions and Examples

  • Include a process for situations where there are competing rights, which allows for the parties to determine appropriate action through discussion or negotiation before more formal resolution processes take place;
  • Consult broadly with constituents who will likely have different points of view about a Policy, such as those who use service animals and those who have concerns about animals on campus, those who want all gender washrooms and those who want separate washrooms for men and women, and people from different faith/creed groups.


Policy Considerations Related to Human Rights and Competing Interests

(Note any considerations specific to the Policy under review or being developed)

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Policy Checklist

Section 1: General Info

Policy name (e.g. Examinations Policy):

Responsible Office (Please state role or department):

Approval: Senate

Approval/Review Dates:

Section 2: Policy Action

  • Develop New Policy
  • Review Existing Policy
  • Consolidate and Combine Policies
    *List affected policies
  • Remove and Rescind Policy
  • Other (Please explain)

This checklist is an exercise to assist the policy owner in considering how policies align with Toronto Metropolitan University’s priorities and values. We note that some academic policies may not reflect the items listed below, but are necessary and proper policies.

These terms are taken from Toronto Metropolitan University's priorities and values as described in the "Academic Plan: Toronto Metropolitan University 2020-2025." For more information on these terms, please review the Academic Plan.

Our Priorities:

  • The Student Experience
  • Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity, Graduate Studies
  • Advancing Indigenous Initiatives
  • Innovation, Continuing to Challenge the Status Quo
  • Community
  • Urban Partnerships

Our Values:

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Excellence
  • Mutual Respect and Shared Success
  • Sustainability
  • Wellbeing
  • Boldness
  • Access

Please explain how the policy supports/reflects the priorities and values selected.

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