Joginder Singh
Of Indian origin, Joginder Singh is a Toronto-based artist working with architectural-documentary photography and sound. Notions of Heritage and Architecture have always had a special place in his heart, and he tends to photograph these spaces a lot, the spatiotemporal visuals contributing towards keeping our ephemeral architectural heritage alive. Trained in architecture and having an MFA in Documentary Media from Toronto Metropolitan University, he is fascinated with the intersections of architectural heritage and the urban fabric, especially ones where the original symbiotically co-exists with the altered. Joginder has shown his work in solo and group shows. He has curated shows of student work as part of his interdisciplinary teaching practice that blurs the boundaries between photography and design. Joginder has several publications to his credit: Glimpses of Architecture in Kerala, Forts and Palaces of India, Cosmic Dance in Stone, The Arts and Interiors of Rashtrapati Bhavan - Lutyens and Beyond, and An Adobe Revival - Didi Contractor’s Architecture. His current work, UNDO REDO - Religious Architecture Revitalization, explores the adaptive reuse of Christian religious architecture in Ontario and Quebec.