Building an Inclusive Community
Inclusive by design, committed to improving
Far too many of us grow up feeling unsure, unwelcome and even unsafe in physical activity programs and spaces - and the well-being, academic, and social benefits of physical activity and safe and affirming environments are just too great to be missed.
For these reasons, TMU Recreation is proud to offer a wide and growing range of equity-focused programs, both regular weekly opportunities and special events each year.
Inclusion in sport and physical activity matters
While always a work-in-progress, our programs and services are designed to ensure we're not "just another gym", but rather a thoughtful place where we actively work to build inclusion.
We know that sport spaces and communities have a long history of being unwelcoming to and unsafe for many equity-deserving groups, and we know we have work still to do to address physical, social and attitudinal barriers.
If you don't see what you are looking and hoping for above, or if you have any questions or concerns about any of our programs or facilities, please connect directly with any of our program leaders or contact our Director, Recreation, Equity & Active Wellbeing, Andrew Pettit, at or 416-979-5000 x557132.
Aren't all programs supposed to be inclusive?
That's the aim - absolutely! But we know that providing dedicated programs specifically designed to address the very real barriers faced by many community members can make a huge difference. Providing a greater sense of safety, support and a chance for meaningful community connections, our equity-focused programs are important on their own, and also enable further participation in all of our programs.