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External Advisors

The MA Program in Public Policy and Administration is actively supported by a “Deputy Minister Champion” from each of the federal and provincial governments, a “Distinguished Public Servant in Residence,” and a panel of prominent administrators and employee representatives drawn from all levels of government, the third sector, academe, and from the ranks of program alumni.

Deputy Minister Champion (Federal)
Ian Shugart
Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development
Government of Canada

Deputy Minister Champion (Provincial)
Marg Rappolt
Deputy Minister of Community and Social Services
Government of Canada

Ontario Public Service Fellow
Shirley Phillips
Assistant Deputy Minister of Planning and Operations Division in the Ministry of Tourism,
Culture and Sport
Government of Canada

Public Servant in Residence
Joan Andrew
Telephone: 416-979-5000 Ext. 2606

Distinguished Visiting Professor
David Smith
Telephone: 416-979-5000 Ext. 3282