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Long Distance Telephone Calls Procedure

  • Related Documents: Long Distance Telephone Calls Policy
  • Owner:  Computing and Communications Services (CCS)
  • Approval Dates:  April 2001, January 2004, August 2007
  • Currently under review

I.    Procedure

Reimbursement for Personal Calls:  Computing and Communications Services distributes monthly listings of all long distance telephone calls for departments (Extension Detail Report).  Department heads are responsible for ensuring that the reports are reviewed to confirm that charges are for appropriate University uses.  If it appears as though a personal long distance call has been charged to a University cost centre, the department head will investigate in order to identify the individual who made the call and determine if, in fact, the call was of a personal nature.

An employee who is found to have made a personal long distance call, must reimburse the University within 30 days of being informed that reimbursement is required.  The department completes a deposit slip indicating the payment is a recovery of long distance charges (record to account 7201) and delivers the slip, together with the payment, to the Cashiers Office.

In the case of University-provided cellular telephones, the same procedures noted above apply to the monthly statements received from the cellular telephone provider.

Corrections and Adjustments:  To move a telephone charge to a different University cost centre, complete and forward a Budget/Journal Entry form to Financial Services. If the change involves a correction, and no expenditure transfer, send an explanatory memorandum to Computing and Communications Services, signed by the individual with expenditure authority for the cost centre.

II.    Jurisdiction

This procedure falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The application and interpretation of this policy and its associated procedures are the responsibility of Computing and Communications Services.