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Long Distance Telephone Calls Policy

  • Related Documents:  Long Distance Telephone Calls Procedure
  • Owner:  Computing and Communications Services (CCS)
  • Approver:  Vice-President, Administration and Operations
  • Approval Dates:  April 2001, January 2004, August 2007
  • Currently under review

I.    Principles

Access to Toronto Metropolitan University's (the "University") long distance telephone service is provided to employees in order to fulfill teaching, research and administrative responsibilities.  Employees should not make personal long distance telephone calls that will result in a charge to a University cost centre.  Personal long distance calls made from a University telephone or a University-provided cellular telephone, should be charged to the caller’s home telephone, a calling card, the party called or another non-University source.  If a situation arises requiring an employee to charge a personal long distance call to the University, the employee must reimburse the University.

Employees who are provided with access to long distance services will be expected to be cognizant of, and abide by the principles and provisions of this policy.

II.    Purpose

The purposes of this policy are:

1.      to inform employees concerning the appropriate use of long distance telephone calls in order to eliminate unnecessary costs, and to guard against possible abuse of the University’s long distance service;

2.      to establish procedures to reimburse the University if an employee makes a personal long distance call that results in a charge to a University cost centre, and for the correction and adjustment of long distance telephone charges.

III.    Application and Scope

This policy, and its related procedures, apply to all employees of the University.

IV.    Policy Statement

If an employee makes a personal long distance call that results in a charge to a University cost centre, the employee must reimburse the University.

V.    Jurisdiction

This policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The application and interpretation of this policy and its associated procedures are the responsibility of Computing and Communications Services.