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Emergency Management Policy

  • Owner:  Vice-President, Administration and Operations
  • Approver:  President
  • Approval Date: June 2024

I.    Purpose

The University is committed to effective Emergency management to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all people on the University Premises and the protection of University Property should an Emergency occur. 

The purpose of this Policy is to facilitate appropriate decision-making that protects the life and health of all people within the University Community, limits property damage, safeguards and upholds the reputation of the University and minimizes business disruption, and provides a mandate for Emergency management activities within the University including the provision of training that balances prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery measures. 

II.    Scope and Application 

This Policy applies to every member of the University Community. 

III.    Definitions 

“Emergency” means:

a.    A situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial property damage and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act, whether intentional or otherwise;

b.    A situation deemed an Emergency by the University President; or

c.    A situation declared an Emergency by the federal, provincial or municipal government.

“Emergency Management Plan” means the plan developed and maintained to direct the University’s management of Emergencies.

“University” means Toronto Metropolitan University.

“University Premises” means any space or digital environments that are owned, leased, controlled, licensed, operated or otherwise occupied by the University, but does not include premises leased or licensed by the University to external parties for their exclusive use. 

“University Community” means all students, faculty and staff of the University, and includes contractors and visitors to the University Premises. 

“University Property” means all property, including but not limited to tangible and intangible property, the lands, buildings, vehicles, equipment and information owned, leased, or controlled by the University.

IV.     Policy 

1.    The foremost priority for the University in responding to an Emergency is the safety of all members of the University Community with consideration to the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility. 

2.    The University is also committed to limiting or containing the extent of damage to University Property incurred during an Emergency. 

3.    In an Emergency, the University Community is required to follow the directives of Community Safety and Security as well as other official University directives. 

Emergency Management Plans 

4.    The University shall develop and maintain, through periodic review and testing, a centralized Emergency Management Plan, which describes the university's approach to emergency management. 

5.    Departments in academic and administrative units shall develop their own departmental (local) Emergency plans and shall review and update such plans, as necessary. Departments shall share their Emergency plans with Community Safety and Security on an annual basis to ensure the local plans support the University’s Emergency Management Plan.

6.    In developing the Emergency Management Plan and local Emergency plans the University and departments must give consideration to principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.


7.    TMU’s mass notification tool, TMU Safe, shall be the official means of notifying the University Community of urgent situations that pose an immediate safety or security risk to the community. 

8.    The University’s website ( will automatically include the TMU Safe notification through the notification bar at the top of the site. University Relations and Administration Operations Communications will provide additional information through email, website, and social media where necessary and as needed. 

IV.    Roles and Responsibilities 

1.    Community Safety and Security is responsible for providing the overall strategic direction for Emergency management of the University including: 

a.    Operationalizing the Emergency Management Plan, providing education and promoting awareness of the Emergency Management Plan for the University Community; 

b.    Providing advice and guidance relating to the Emergency Management Plan to academic and administrative departments; and 

c.    Reviewing and updating the Emergency Management Plan and advising on departmental (local) Emergency plans to ensure compliance with the University’s Emergency Management Plan.

2.    Departments in Academic and Administrative Areas are responsible for working with Community Safety and Security to develop and periodically review departmental (local) Emergency plans. Academic and Administrative Area Departments should also be familiar with the University’s Emergency Management Plan and their own department’s Emergency plan and participate in University training and exercises as appropriate to individual situations and contingent upon supervisor approval. 

3.    The University Community is responsible for monitoring official updates from the University related to Emergency management activities, including but not limited to TMU Safe mass notification, website, email and social media, and shall follow Community Safety and Security’s official University directives, as well as any guidance from external first-responders during Emergencies. 

V.    Jurisdiction 

This Policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice-President, Administration and Operations, who is responsible for the interpretation and application of this Policy and the creation of such procedures and guidelines as necessary or desirable to give effect to this Policy.