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Evacuation of Disabled Persons Guidelines

Responsibilities of Members of the Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") Community

Disabled Person’s Responsibilities:

  1. The disabled person should initially notify the chair or department head and each classroom instructor at the beginning of each term, of his/her need for assistance in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation and may do so in confidence.
  2. Should an emergency requiring evacuation occur, the disabled person should tell the classroom instructor, co-workers or nearby persons what method of assistance is required to help him/her exit the building.

Faculty and Instructors’ Responsibilities:

Instructors are expected to supervise the safe removal of disabled students in an evacuation which occurs during class hours.

  1. Certain disabilities may not be immediately visible; instructors and faculty shall announce at the beginning of term that anyone who anticipates needing special assistance during an emergency should tell the instructor in confidence.
  2. Having identified students who need special assistance during an evacuation, instructors should plan for such an eventuality in consultation with the student concerned and Security at 5040.

Departments’ Responsibilities:

It is the responsibility of the chair or department head to plan for the evacuation of all disabled persons in that department. Planning should take place in consultation with the persons concerned, and Security at 5040.

Resources to Plan and Assist Safe Evacuation of Disabled Persons

  1. Security is available to assist disabled persons in the individual planning of their safe evacuation from a University building during an emergency.

Procedures for Employees and Students


The person in charge of each class, meeting or other activity must:

  1. Ensure that each person who is non-ambulatory receives assistance from two helpers.
  2. The helpers assist this person to proceed to the nearest safe exit or stairwell on that floor.
  3. One helper is to remain with the individual, while the other proceeds to the ground level exit to notify security or the fire department, who will complete the rescue.
  4. Elevators are not used, unless specifically operated by firefighting personnel.
  5. Area fire wardens notify Security as to the exact location of persons requiring special evacuation, which will be conducted by firefighting personnel.
  6. Phone 5040 for assistance and further direction on the action you should take.

Visually Impaired:

The person in charge of each class, meeting or other activity must:

  1. Explain the nature of the emergency quickly and clearly.
  2. Guide the person to the nearest safe exit and escort them to the ground level exit.
  3. Having reached the street level or other safe area, ask the person whether he/she need any further assistance. Ensure that Security and/or other emergency services are made aware of the person and their needs.

Hearing Impaired:

The person in charge of each class, meeting or other activity must:

  1. Explain the nature of the emergency, either by speaking clearly and slowly, or by writing a note.
  2. Guide the person to the nearest safe exit and escort them to the ground level exit.
  3. Having reached a safe area, ensure that the person receives any further assistance necessary.