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Approval Authority Schedule Policy

I.    Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to specify the signing authorities required for various types of purchases and expense reimbursements.  This policy formally complies with the Broader Public Sector Procurement and Expense Directives (Bill 122) which require that the University establish an Approval Authority Schedule for procurement of goods and services, approved by the Board of Governors.

II.    Scope

An Approval Authority Schedule defines who within the organization has responsibility for the procurement of goods and services at different dollar thresholds.

This policy applies to the procurement for goods and services for business related for the University.  It applies to all faculty and staff.

This policy addresses the Expense Reimbursement authority approvals required by law.

III.    Definitions

1.    “Approver” – means an individual is authorized to approve a purchase/ expense reimbursement for the total spend amount (normally one level up unless otherwise delegated).

2.    “Delegate” means to give someone the power to act, make decisions, or allocate resources on your behalf.

3.    “Delegated Individual” means a University employee with delegated authority in accordance with this policy.

4.    “Expense” – means a valid university related business expense supported by original receipts dated and detailing the item and the total amount.

5.    “Purchase” – means the purchase of all goods and services for University related business and University Departments are to follow the University's Purchasing Policy and Procedures.

6.    “University” means Toronto Metropolitan University.

7.    “Up any number of levels” means a position to whom the delegator, or the delegator’s manager, reports.

IV.    Policy

The Approval Authority Schedule establishes the authority that is required for each functional procurement role, to approve procurements of goods and services, both consulting and non-consulting, at different dollar thresholds. It also establishes the authority approval that is required for approving expense reimbursements (including Travel and Business Meals).

a.    Table #1 – Authority Approval Schedule – Purchase of Goods and Professional Services – Non-consulting Services

b.    Table #2 – Authority Approval Schedule – Purchase of Consulting Services

c.    Table #3 – Authority Approval Schedule – Expense Reimbursement

1.    The purchase of goods and professional services must adhere to the University's Purchasing Policy and Procedure.  The Approval Authority Schedule for iProcurement purchases initiated by the Department requisitioner is a pre-established hierarchy of approvals in the University’s financial system and is dependent on the total dollar spend unless otherwise delegated.

2.    The purchasing policy language for procuring consulting service quotations must be closely observed as  approval is required regardless of dollar spend.

3.    Research Funding Agency (NSERC, SSHRC, etc) purchase requisitions must be approved by the Vice President, Research and Innovation or Designated Individual.  The Funding Agency policy takes precedence over this policy.

VII.    Jurisdiction

This policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance. The interpretation and application of this policy is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer.  The Budget Authority is as approved by the Board of Governors or granting agency and/or as delegated by the President.

VIII.    Next Review Date

This policy is subject to review every three (3) years.

Approval Authority Schedule (AAS)- Tables 1, 2 and 3

Table  1: GOODS & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (non-consulting)

Procurement Value $

Procurement Method

Approval Authority

$1 - $100

Petty Cash or Purchase Card

Manager, Chair or equivalent or higher

$101 - $5,000

Purchase Card or Purchase Order

Manager, Chair or equivalent or higher

$5,001 - $25,000

Invitational Competitive:

3 quotes recommended

Manager, Chair or equivalent or higher

$25,001 - $100,000

Invitational Competitive:

3 quotes required

Assistant Vice President, Dean, Senior Director or equivalent, or higher

$100,001 - $1,000,000

Open Competitive (MERX)

ONE OF: President, Vice President, Board Secretary

$1,000,001 - $5,000,000

Open Competitive (MERX)

TWO OF: President, Vice President, Board Secretary


Open Competitive (MERX)

BOARD RESOLUTION AND ONE OF: President, Vice President, Board Secretary


Procurement Value $

Procurement Method

Approval Authority

Up to $5000 (any amount)

Invitational Competitive:

3 quotes required

Manager, Chair or equivalent or higher

$5,001 - $100,000

Invitational Competitive:

3 quotes required

Assistant Vice President, Dean,

Senior Director or equivalent, or higher

$100,001 - $1,000,000

Open Competitive (MERX)

ONE OF: President, Vice President, Board Secretary

$1,000,001 - $5,000,000

Open Competitive (MERX)

TWO OF: President, Vice President, Board Secretary


Open Competitive (MERX)

BOARD RESOLUTION AND ONE OF: President, Vice President, Board Secretary

Table  3: EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT APPROVALS (including Travel, Business Meals)

Expense Amount $


Approval Authority (unless otherwise delegated)

Up to $100 per transaction

 Petty Cash


$101 and over

 iExpense – electronic submitted by full time staff and faculty

Paper Expense report for part time staff/faculty, students

 One up administrative level. (you cannot approve your own, your one up supervisor or your approver’s expense submission.)