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Purchasing Policy

I.    Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that ethical, efficient and accountable practices are used for sourcing and procuring Good and Services, and other supply chain related activities at the University.

II.    Principles

The Policy incorporates these guiding principles:

a.    Openness, Transparency, and Fairness
The University shall conduct procurement processes in an open, fair, transparent, and efficient manner that provides fair treatment to suppliers.

b.    Value for Money
The University shall purchase Goods and Services that demonstrate value for money, which includes consideration of business needs, timing, supply, and procurement method.

c.    Reciprocal Non-Discrimination
The University shall ensure that supplier access to compete for business opportunities is consistent with the applicable trade agreements, legislation, and procurement directives.

d.    Buying with Impact
The University shall leverage its purchasing power to create social, sustainable, and economic value in diverse communities by seeking out and utilizing diverse suppliers across the University.

e.    Accessibility
The University shall incorporate accessibility requirements into purchases.

II.    Scope and Application

This Policy applies to the purchase of any Good and/or Service by or on behalf of the University from any funding source.

Individuals purchasing Goods and/or Services on behalf of the University shall abide by this Policy and its associated Procedures.

III.    Definitions

Goods: means physical goods or software products that can be produced, bought and sold.

Procurement Value: means the total cost of the contract, from the date of first supply through to the expiry date of the contract, in Canadian dollars, excluding applicable taxes and including all applicable charges such as extension options, warranties, maintenance, training, currency exchange, and freight.

Services: means intangible products that do not have a physical presence.

University: means Toronto Metropolitan University.

Vendor of Record: means a procurement arrangement, established through a competitive process, that authorizes one or more qualified vendors to provide Goods and/or Services for a defined period on terms and conditions as set out in a contract.

IV.    Policy

1.    The University shall make all purchases in accordance with applicable law, including but not limited to trade agreements, procurement directives, contract law, procurement law, privacy legislation, accessibility legislation, and any other legislation as may be applicable. 

2.    All purchases of Goods and/or Services made by or on behalf of the University shall be undertaken in accordance with the appropriate procurement process as determined having regard to the total Procurement Value of the Good and/or Service being acquired and as detailed in the Procurement Procedures.

3.    All purchases of Goods and/or Services made by or on behalf of the University shall be undertaken in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure.

4.    All purchases of Goods and/or Services made by or on behalf of the University are subject to approval by the respective University authority in accordance with the Approval Authority Schedule Policy

5.    All purchases of Goods and/or Services made by or on behalf of the University shall be undertaken in accordance with the Broader Public Sector Supply Chain Code of Ethics.

6.    Any exceptions to this Policy must be authorized by the Chief Financial Officer or delegate.

V.    Roles and Responsibilities

1.    Faculty and staff shall use the proper procurement method in accordance with the Purchasing Procedure, and seek guidance from Purchasing Services as required by the Purchasing Procedure.

2.    Purchasing Services shall:

a.    In accordance with the Purchasing Procedures, manage the procurement process for purchases of Goods and/or Services greater than or equal to $100,000, and provide assistance and guidance to faculty and staff for purchases of Goods and/or Services under $100,000;

b.    Make recommendations to align proposed non-competitive procurements with applicable laws, trade agreements, and procurement directives;

c.    establish internal and external Vendors of Record arrangements f, and provide guidance to faculty and staff on how to utilize Vendors of Record;

d.    ensure compliance with all applicable laws, including trade agreements and procurement directives;

e.    facilitate procurement training and support for faculty and staff; and

f.    monitor purchases of Goods and/or Services or compliance with this Policy.

VI.    Jurisdiction

This Policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Chief Financial Officer.
The Director of the Procurement Department is responsible for the interpretation and application of this Policy, and the creation and promulgation of such procedures and guidelines as necessary or desirable to give effect to this Policy

VII.    Next Review Date

This Policy is subject to review every five (5) years.