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Statement of Agreement

Application for Parking Permit on Campus Grounds

  • Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") reserves the right to manage, govern and control motor vehicle access and parking on the lands owned, leased or licensed by the University (the "Campus Grounds"). In applying for a parking permit on the Campus Grounds, I hereby agree to:
    • Assume full responsibility for the vehicle listed on this application, and
    • Adhere to the University's Parking and Traffic Regulations as amended from time to time and authorized by University Business Services (the "Regulations"). I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Regulations, and I accept all the terms and conditions contained therein
  • I certify that I am in possession of a valid driver's license and that the vehicle I wish to register for parking is properly licensed and insured.
  • I understand that:
    • Parking access cards and permit decals are issued for the use of registered permit holders, are non-transferable, and are the property of the University. I shall report lost or stolen parking access cards or permit decals to University Business Services ( A charge will be levied for replacement cards or decals.
    • My parking permit does not reserve a specific parking space, but guarantees me a parking space at a parking facility designated by University Business Services.
    • From time to time, the University may reallocate my parking facility designation due to construction, special events, or emergencies. The University will notify me in such cases.
    • I shall clearly display my parking permit decal on the left side of my vehicle's front windshield or on my dashboard at all times while I am parked on the Campus Grounds. Otherwise, my vehicle may be ticketed and/or towed.
    • Anyone who displays a forged, altered, lost or stolen parking permit decal on a vehicle, or who is found to be in possession of a parking access card listed as lost or stolen, may have their parking privileges revoked indefinitely and may face criminal prosecution.
    • Repeated violations of these Regulations may result in the cancellation of my parking privileges at the University's discretion.
    • Parking options, lot designations and the Regulations are subject to change at the University's discretion.
    • All parking rates may be subject to increase as approved by the Vice President, Administration and Operations.
    • The University bears no responsibility for any loss or damage, however caused, to vehicles (including contents) on the Campus Grounds.
    • In accordance with Section 39(2) of Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), the information on this application is collected for a lawfully authorized purpose and is needed in order to verify my eligibility to park on campus, to maintain current information on my vehicle(s), to inform me of updates on campus parking, and for other related administrative or consistent purposes. All personal information that is collected will be used, stored, and destroyed in accordance with the University's Information Protection and Access Policy.

Note: If you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information by Toronto Metropolitan University, please contact Parking Services.