Dr. Housne Begum, is a Commonwealth fellow with an MSc in Microbiology and PhD in Public Health-Epidemiology (focusing on Health Economics) from University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. She joined Toronto Metropolitan University September 2015. She is also full time researcher and Sessional faculty at McMaster University as well as Sessional Lecturer at Dalla Lana school of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto. Before joining McMaster University 2012, she taught at the University of Dhaka and led research on broad range of topics in public health-epidemiology and health economic issues, including the impact of food supplementation on infant growth, program evaluation, cost-effectiveness, clinical trials of different interventions, antimicrobial resistance, HIV, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections. She was involved in both qualitative and quantitative research projects.
Dr Begum worked on more than 15 guidelines preparation and systematic literature reviews and meta-analysis for the WHO, ASH and other organizations. Worked with the McMaster GRADE center, Cochrane Canada and the Master of Public Health (MPH) graduate program. As Research Coordinator she worked in the Health TAPESTRY program.
- Health Informatics and Data Management CKHS 110 Fall 2015-presently, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Public Health PUBHLTH 701: Population Epidemiology Fall 2016-Sept 2018, Program Assistant and Tutor, Master of Public Health Program
- Health Aging and Society, HLTHAGE 2A03_research Methods in Health and Aging I, Fall 2017, Sessional Faculty, McMaster University
- Health Aging and Society, HLTH AGE 716 Quantitative Research Methods in Health and Aging, Winter 2018, Sessional Faculty, McMaster University
- Biotech 1 labs, Chemical Engineering, Mohawk College, Fall 2017, Hamilton
- Health Informatics
- Economic evaluation, cost effectiveness, quality of life
- Clinical trials and statistical analysis (both qualitative and quantitative)
- Parth Patel, Payal Patel, Meha Bhatt, Cody Braun , Housne Begum, ..Holger J. Schünemann, Reem Mustafa. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Test Accuracy for the Diagnosis of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism (accepted Blood Advances July 2020)
- Wendy Lim, Grégoire Le Gal, Shannon M. Bates, …, Housne Begum, Wojtek Wiercioch, Holger J. Schünemann, and Reem A. Mustafa. American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: diagnosis of venous thromboembolism. Blood Adv. 2018 Nov 27; 2(22): 3226–3256.
- Bhuiyan S, Begum H, Panchoo K, Khalid N, Vijeyanathan A, et al. (PDF file) Sleep Duration Related to its Effect on Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and BMI- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (external link) . J Community Med Public Health 2020, 4: 174.
- Housne Ara Begum, Amir Mohammad Sayem, Nilufar Yeasmin Nili. Differentials in Place of Delivery and Delivery Assistance in Urban Slum areas, Bangladesh. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health 2012, 6(2):49-58. Research Journal of Public Health, 1(1), 2018, pp. 1-9.
- Sayem AM, HousneAra Begum, Moneesha SS. Women’s attitudes towards formal and informal support- seeking coping strategies against intimate partner violence. International Social Work 2013; 0(0) 1–22. Relation with Socio-Economic, Working-Living Conditions among Garment Workers. 2013. Global Journal of Medical research,13:4(1.0). Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN : 0975- 5888
- Begum Housne, Rashid Mamunar, Flora Meerjady & Sayem, Amir Mohammad. Smoking-Cough, Vaccination in Relation with Socio-Economic,Working-Living Conditions among Garment Workers . Global Journal of Medical research, Interdsciplinary 2013,13: 4(1). Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, Global Journals Inc. (USA), Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN : 0975-5888
- Housne Ara Begum. The cost analysis of different types of cancer treatments and its effect on household expenditure. Middle East journal of Internal Medicine 2012, 53: 29-38
- Housne Ara Begum, CG NMascie-Taylor, Shamsun Nahar. The impact of food supplementation on infant weight gain in rural Bangladesh: an assessment of the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Program (BINP). Public Health Nutrition 2007, 10: 49-54.
- Shafi Bhuiyan, Housne Begum, Hossein Tofighi, Sara Pathan, Maha Hassan and Miriam Abdelmalek, ”Sort, Assess, LifeSaving Interventions, Treat and Transport (SALT) Methodology and its Effect on Patient Outcome During Mass Casualty Incidents: A Systematic Review”, Global Scientific Research Journal of Public Health, 1(1), 2018, pp. 1-9