Karline Wilson-Mitchell
Karline Wilson-Mitchell is passionate about reproductive justice that informs midwifery education, practice and global partnerships. Since 1992, Karline’s clinical work grew from the U.S. (urban and rural) to Canada (Ontario, remote Quebec) and then to midwifery education and leadership building in the Global South (Jamaica, Tanzania, Zambia, Burundi, South Sudan). Her scholarship explores the skills and infrastructure necessary to diversify the midwifery workforce, and explores strategies that facilitate equitable and inclusive work environments for midwives and vulnerable populations. Her goal is to promote resilience and sagacity in vulnerable midwifery students. To this end the MEP mentorship program was launched in December 2017, in partnership with the Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Student Collective. It is an evidence-informed (external link) program to improve MEP career trajectories and the quality of academic life.
“The opportunity for intellectual partnerships with students excites me!”, remarks Karline. These are students motivated by curiosity to interrogate the intersections of midwifery, community service, ancestral healing traditions, spiritual wholeness and wellness, and respectful leadership. The seeds of the Canadian Midwives of Colour History Project were germinated by midwifery students of colour.
Karline’s research projects have included partnerships with the University of West Indies School of Nursing, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica; IMPAKT Hospital for Sick Children and Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Community Services; Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement [Immigration Trajectories of Immigrant Families Project (ITIF)]; Rights for Children and Youth Partnership: Strengthening Collaboration in the Americas (RCYP (external link) ) and MITAC multidisciplinary project (training student interns (external link) to explore Humanized Birth and Obstetrical Violence in Brazil) partnership with Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil; She has worked for CAM Global (external link) as a consultant and volunteer developing Tanzanian Respectful Maternity Care and South Sudanese Leadership SMS2 (external link) workshops for nurses and midwives. She serves as an editorial reviewer for several high impact, professional journals.
- 100ABC Women Award, 2024
- Dorethea M. Lang Pioneer Award, American College of Nurse-Midwives, 2022
- Viola Desmond Award, 2019
- Fellow of the American College of Nurse-Midwives, 2019
- Carrington-Hsia-Nives Doctoral Scholarship for Midwives of Color, 2017
Research Interests:
- Global applications of Health Information Technology
- Canadian Health Disparity Research
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Research projects:
- Project: The Colour of Birth Project. History of Canadian Midwives of Colour. Teaser video (external link) . An interdisciplinary collaboration of historians & archivers, filmmaker, web designer, social scientists, anthropologists, midwifery and history students, Immigration & Settlement Studies alumnus. , Co-I: May Friedman PhD, Megan Davies PhD, Margaret MacDonald PhD, Cyrus Sundar Singh PhD (c)
Year: 2020, Co-PI, Co-PI: Karen Flynn PhD
Funding received: $50,000 SSHRC Insight Development, $30,000 AOM Career Researcher
- Project: Humanized Birth and Obstetrical Violence in Brazil
Year: 2019, Co-Investigator, Co-Applicant
Funding received: $6000
Funded by: MITACS
- Project: Rights for Children & Youth Partnership: Collaboration in the Americas.
Year: 2012, Co-Investigator, Co-applicant, Governance Team for partners Violence against children Team
Funding received: $5 Million
Funded by: Social Studies and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership grant
- Project: Integration Trajectories of Immigrant Families
Year: 2013, Co Applicant, Co-Investigator
Funding received: $153,636
Funded by: SSHRC Partnership Development Grant
- Project: Psychosocial Factors Associated With Jamaican Adolescent Pregnancy and Suicidal Behaviour
Year: 2012, PI (Co-PI=Dr. Joanna Bennett)
Funding received: $10,000
Funded by: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada Latin America and the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants Program (LACREG)
- Project: Birth Outcomes of New Immigrant and Refugee Women in the Greater Toronto Area
Year: 2012, PI (Co-Investigator Dr. Anneke Rummens)
Funding received: $9,000
Funded by: Health Science Grant, WS RA Grants, RU
Peer-reviewed publications
- Cates, E. C., Ramlogan-Salanga, C., MacKenzie, R. K., Wilson-Mitchell, K., & Darling, E. K. (2024). A cross-sectional survey of the mental health of midwives in Ontario, Canada: Burnout, depression, anxiety, stress, and associated factors (external link) . Women and Birth, 37(4), 101613.
- Darling, E.K., Grenier, L.N., MacKenzie, R.K., Ramlogan-Salanga, C., Cates E.C., Graybrook. R., Wilson-Mitchell, K. (2023). A mixed-method study exploring barriers and facilitators to midwives’ mental health in Ontario. BMC Women's Health. 2023 Dec;23(1):1-6.
- Parker, G., Kelly, L., Miller, S., Van Wagner, V., Handa, M., Baddock, S., Griffiths, C., Kelsey, F., Neely, E., Wilson-Mitchell, K. (2023). Taking up the challenge of trans and non-binary inclusion in midwifery education: Reflections from educators in Aotearoa and Ontario Canada. Midwifery. 103605.
- St-Amant, O., Rummens, J. A., Parada, H., Wilson-Mitchell, K. (2021). The COVID-19 Mask: Toward an Understanding of Social Meanings and Responses. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science. https://journals.lww.com/advancesinnursingscience/Abstract/9000/The_COVID_19_Mask__Toward_an_Understanding_of.99780.aspx
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Robinson, J., Sharpe, M. (2018). Teaching Respectful Maternity Care using an Intellectual Partnership Model in Tanzania, J of Midwifery, 60:26-29.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K. Marowitz, A., Jody, L. (2018). Midwives' Perceptions of Barriers to Respectful Maternity Care for Adolescents Mothers in Jamaica: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Childbirth, 1(8):18-34.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Eustace, L., Robinson, J., Shemdoe, A., Simba, S. (2018). Scoping Review of Literature on RMC and Applications to Tanzania. J of Reproductive Health. 1;60:27-29.
- Hyman, I., Vahabi, M., Bailey, A., Patel, S., Guruge, S., Wilson-Mitchell, K., & Wong, J. P. H. (2016). Taking action on violence through research, policy, and practice. Global Health Research and Policy, 1(1), 6.
- Wilson‐Mitchell, K., Handa, M. Infusing Diversity and Equity Into Clinical Teaching: Training the Trainers. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. (2016). Nov 1;61(6):726-36. Conference Proceedings.
- Tyson, H., Wilson‐Mitchell, K. (2016). Diversifying the midwifery workforce: inclusivity, culturally sensitive bridging, and innovation. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Nov1;61(6):752-8.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Bennett, J., Stennett, R., Atkinson, U. (2015). Factors Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy, Psychological Distress, and Suicidal Behavior in Jamaica: An Exploratory Study [Conference abstract, vol 59, p. 552, 2014]. (2014). J of Midwifery & Womens Health, 60(2), 227-227.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Stevens, R. (2014). An innovative teen-centered antenatal care model compared to standard antenatal care in Jamaica. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences. Global Journal of Human Social Science. 14(3): 53-61.
- Brown-Bowers, A., McShane, K., Wilson-Mitchell, K., & Gurevich, M. (2015). Postpartum depression in refugee and asylum-seeking women in Canada: A critical health psychology perspective. Health, 19(3), 318-335.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Bennett, J., Stennett, R. (2014). Psychological Health and Life Experiences of Pregnant Adolescent Mothers in Jamaica. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014;11(5):4729-4744.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K. (2014). Increasing access to prenatal care: disease prevention and sound business advice. Health Care for Women International 2014:35(2):120-6.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K. Midwifery Care of the Uninsured Migrant Family in the Greater Toronto Area. (2013). Can J Midwifery Res Pract, 2013:12(2).
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Rummens, J. A. (2013). Perinatal Outcomes of Uninsured Immigrant, Refugee and Migrant Mothers and Newborns Living in Toronto. Int J of Environ Res and Public Health 2013:10(6). 2198-2213.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K. (2008). Mental illness in refugee and immigrant women: A midwife’s perspective on culturally competent care. Can J Midwifery Res Pract 2008;7(3):9-18
Books and Book Chapters:
- O’Mahony, J., Wilson-Mitchell, K., Kassam, S. (2022). Childbearing family nursing. Chapter 7, Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research; In Robinson M, Padgett Coehlo D, Smith P, editors. 7th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
- Elizabeth, A., Donnelly, E. A., Dau, K. Q., Wilson-Mitchell, K., Wren, J. Racism and Health Disparities. (2020). In: Women’s Gynecologic Health, 4th Ed: With an Introduction to Prenatal and Postpartum Care. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Sept 1:13.
- Loftman, P. O., Watts Carrington, B.J., Clarke, H., Curtis, C., Wilson-Mitchell, K.(2018). Grand midwives of African ancestry in Midwifery: Clients, Context, and Care, Chapter 2. In (Eds.) T.L. King, M.C. Brucker, K. Osborn, & C.V. Jevitt, Varney’s Midwifery, 6th Ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Veltri, L., Wilson-Mitchell, K., O’Mahony, J., (2018). Childbearing family nursing. In J.R. Kaakinen, A. Tabacco, D.P. Cohelo, R. Steele & S.H. Hanson (Eds.) Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research (6th ed.)(pp. 357-388). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
- Wilson-Mitchell, K., Robertson, A. P. Looking beyond Class, Culture, Race, and Ability in Family Safety. (2018) In: Bauder H. (ed.) Migration is a Family Affair. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press; 2018; Chapters 5.
- Valade, M., Wilson-Mitchell, K. The Family Advantage, Chapter 13. (2018) In: Bauder H. (ed.) Migration is a family affair. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. Chapter 13.
- Wilson-Mitchell K, Herbert V. (2014) Black Motherhood and The Power of the Intersectionality Framework: A Midwifery Perspective on the “NewRacism” (pp. 111-121). In Story, K.A. (Ed.) Reconceiving Black Motherhood, An Anthology. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press. ISBN: 978-1-927335-43-7.
- Bailey, A., Zanchetta, M., Pon, G., Velasco, D., Wilson-Mitchell, K., Hassan, A. (2016). The audacity of critical awakening. In J. Gingras, Robinson, P., Waddell, J., & Cooper, L. (Eds.), Teaching as Scholarship: Preparing Students for Professional Practice in Community Services. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
- Veltri, L., Wilson-Mitchell, K., Bell., K. (2015). Childbearing family nursing. In J.R. Kaakinen, A. Tabacco, D.P. Cohelo, R. Steele & S.H. Hanson (Eds.) Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research (5th ed.) (pp. 353-386). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (ISBN:978-0-8036-3921-8) Awarded American Journal of Nursing Book of Year 2014.