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Portrait of Sarah Hoyos-Hoyos

Sarah Hoyos-Hoyos

(Toronto Metropolitan University)

Sarah Hoyos-Hoyos is a Data Science Researcher at CERC Migration. She has a Master's degree in Spatial Analysis from TMU and joined CERC to support migration researchers in conducting quantitative analysis and applying geospatial methods to migration research. Sarah’s primary work involves data modeling for the MEMO project. With a particular interest in climate mobilities and (im)mobilities, Sarah investigates multiple drivers of migration (including climate and socio-demographic factors), at different spatial scales in partnership with over 15+ universities and community organizations across West African, American and South Asian countries.

Prior to this, Sarah earned a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from Fanshawe College where she developed an interest in coding, web-mapping and geovisualization tools. She has utilized GIS software to complete projects for Environics Analytics and the Ontario Land Trust Alliance. Sarah graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor's of Science specializing in Health and Disease with previous interests in spatial epidemiology and studying the social determinants of health.

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