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Portrait of Joseph Teye

Joseph Teye

(University of Ghana), Coordinator of the Regional Hub for West Africa

Joseph Teye is a professor and the Director of Research at the University of Ghana. His current research interests include migration and development, migration policy development, environmental change and migration, and natural resource governance. Joseph has participated in large research projects funded by international organizations, including U.K. Research & Innovation (UKRI GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub, 2019-2024); the U.K. Department for International Development; the European Union; the African, Caribbean and Pacific Observatory on Migration; the International Labour Organization; and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He has facilitated the development of the National Labour Migration Policy and the National Migration Policy for Ghana and a number of African countries. Joseph has written extensively on labour migration in the region, the role of networks and policies, adopting a critical perspective towards the migration and development nexus.

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