Kathleen Kellett PhD
Dr. Kathleen L. Kellett is Associate Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). She holds a PhD in French with a specialization in Quebec literature from the University of Toronto. She has been a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies at TMU since 2001 and is a member of the M.A. in Immigration and Settlement Studies program. Her current research focuses on Franco-Canadian minority literatures and cultures, particularly Franco-Ontarian literature, as well as immigrant voices in Canadian literature.
Other research interests include feminist critical theory, narratology and literary detective fiction. She has published essays on authors including Anne Hébert, Louise Maheux-Forcier, Daniel Poliquin, Pan Bouyoucas, Stanley Péan and Chrystine Brouillet in collective works and in journals including Studies in Canadian literature, Voix plurielles, Tangence, Québec Studies and @nalyses.