Dr. Sameh Al Natour
Sameh Al-Natour is a Director and Associate Professor for the Information Technology Management program at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. He obtained his PhD and MSc from the University of British Columbia, and his MBA and BS from Simon Fraser University. His teaching and research interests include the design and evaluation of human-computer interfaces, e-commerce, the adoption of information systems, and system analysis and design. His research has been published in top journals and premier conferences. He has received a number of research and teaching awards and nominations, and continues to serve as an editor and reviewer for a number of academic journals and conferences.
Electronic commerce, decision support systems, information systems adoption, and computer-mediated communication.
Refereed Journal Articles |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I. and Cenfetelli, R. (2021). Designing Caring and Informative Decision Aids to Increase Trust and Enhance the Interaction Atmosphere. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, forthcoming. (Rated A in ABDC journal quality list; 2020 impact factor: 3.92) |
Al-Natour, S., and Grange, C., Cenfetelli, R., Benbasat, I. (2021). BRM: A Methodology for Improving the Practical Relevance of Belief-Based Information Technology Usage Theories. Information & Management, 58(5), 103488. (Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list; 2020 impact factor: 7.555). |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R. (2021). Designing Online Virtual Advisors to Encourage Customer Self-disclosure: A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Test. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(3), 798-827. (Journal included in the FT50 list; Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list; 2020 impact factor: 7.838) |
Al-Natour, S. and Woo, C. (2021). The Determinants of Learner Satisfaction with the Online Video Presentation Method. Internet Research, 31(1), 234-261. (Rated A in ABDC journal quality list; 2020 impact factor: 6.773) |
Al-Natour, S., Cavusoglu, H., Benbasat, I. and Aleem, U. (2020). An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Privacy Uncertainty in the Context of Mobile Apps. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1037-1063. (Journal included in the FT50 list; Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list; 2020 impact factor: 5.207) |
Al-Natour, S. and Turetken, O. (2020). A Comparative Study of Sentiment Analysis Scores and Star Ratings for Consumer Reviews. International Journal of Information Management (54). (Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list; 2020 impact factor: 14.098) |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R. (2011). The Adoption of Online Shopping Assistants: Perceived Similarity as an Antecedent to Evaluative Beliefs. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (12:5), 347-374. (Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list) |
Al-Natour, S. and Cavusoglu, H. (2009). The Strategic Knowledge-Based Dependency Diagrams: A Tool for Analyzing Strategic Knowledge Dependencies for the Purposes of Understanding and Communicating. Information Technology and Management (10:2), 103-121. (Rated B in ABDC journal quality list) |
Al-Natour, S. and Benbasat, I. (2009). The Adoption and Use of IT Artifacts: A New Interaction-Centric Model for the Study of User-Artifact Relationships. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (10:9), 637-660. (Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list) |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I. and Cenfetelli, R. (2008). The Effects of Process and Outcome Similarity on Users’ Evaluations of Decision Aids. Decision Sciences (39:2), 175-211. (Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list) |
Cenfetelli, R., Benbasat, I., and Al-Natour, S. (2008). Addressing the What and How of Online Services: Positioning Supporting-Services Functionality and Service Quality for Business-to-Consumer Success. Information Systems Research (19:2), 161-181. (Journal included in the FT50 list; Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list) |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R. (2006). The Role of Similarity in e-Commerce Interactions: The Case of Online Shopping Assistants. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (7:12), 821-861. (Rated A* in ABDC journal quality list) |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I. and Cenfetelli, R. "Designing Caring and Informative Decision Aids," Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, San Francisco, CA, December 2018. |
Kiani, A., Al-Natour, S. and Turetken, O. (2018). "A Comparison of Sentiment Analysis Tools," Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans, LA, August 2018. |
Turetken, O. and Al-Natour, S. "Empirical Evaluation of Automated Sentiment Analysis as a Decision Aid," Proceedings of the Thirty Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, December 2016. |
Al-Natour, S. and Benbasat, I. “Different Views and Evaluations of IT Artifacts,” Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, Texas, December 2015. |
Al-Natour, S. and Woo, C. “The Determinants of Student Satisfaction with Online Video Presentations,” Proceedings of the AIS SIG-ED IAIM 2011 Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014. |
Al-Natour, S., Gemino, A. and Krider, R. “Effective Online Ads: The Role of Placement and Animation,” Proceedings of the Thirty Fourth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, Italy, December 2013. |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I. and Cenfetelli, R. “The Role of Design Characteristics in Enhancing Social Presence,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Miami, FL, December 2012. |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I. and Cenfetelli, R. “Users’ Interdependence with Online Virtual Advisors: Antecedents and Consequences,” Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Shanghai, China, December 2011 (nominee, best paper award). |
Cavusoglu, H., Al-Natour, S., Cavusoglu, H. “ICT Value Creation at Four Levels of Analysis: Review of Extant Research and a New Conceptual Model,” Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (ICESAL). Thassos Island, Greece, July 10‐13, 2011. |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R. “Intentions to Disclose and Comfort While Disclosing Different Types of Personal Information: A Social Exchange Perspective,” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), St. Louis, MO, December 2010. |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R. “Trustworthy Virtual Advisors and Enjoyable Interactions: Designing for Expressiveness and Transparency,” Proceedings of the Eighteenth European Conference on Information Systems, South Africa, June 2010. |
Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R. “The determinants of Accepting Conflicting Advice from Online Intelligent Decision Aids,” Proceedings of the 2010 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Regina, Canada, May 2010. (honorable mention award). |
Year | Award |
2021-2022 | Dean’s Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity Award |
2021 | TRSM Teaching Innovation Award |
2021 | TRSM Research Recognition Award |
2021 | TRSM Research Recognition Fund (2 awards; $2,000 each) |
2020 | TRSM Research Recognition Fund (3 awards; $2,000 each) |
2018 | Best reviewer nominee, the Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS |
2016 | Best Reviewer Award, Human Behavior in IS Track, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) |
2015 | Best reviewer nominee, the Special Interest Group on the Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT) |
2013 | Best reviewer nominee, the Annual Workshop on HCI |
2011 | Best reviewer nominee, the Annual Workshop on HCI |
2010 | Honorable mention award – Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) |