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Headshot of Dr. Farid Shirazi

Dr. Farid Shirazi

DepartmentInformation Technology Management
EducationPhD, MSc, BEng
OfficeTRS 3-094
Phone416-979-5000 ext: 557938


Dr. Shirazi is a Senior Researcher at Institute for Innovation and Technology Management at Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada. He is a Professor of the Ted Rogers school of Information Technology Management. Dr. Shirazi's research focuses mainly on the impact of ICTs on the social and economic development. His main research interests are IT-enabled sustainability and development, Cloud Computing, AI & Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Enterprise Architecture & Governance, Green IS management as well as the ethical and security perspectives associated with the introduction and use of ICTs.

He has published in several journals including: International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), Information & Management (I&M), Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Economics, British Journal of Management, Journal of Information Technology & People (ITP), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), Telematics and Informatics, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), Journal of E-Business Development, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, Journal of Information Communication & Ethics in Society, International Journal of Computer Application, Journal of Law & Development Review, Journal of Systems & Software (JSS), British Food Journal, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics and Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS).

IT-enabled sustainability and development, cloud computing, e-government strategies, big data analytics, blockchain, and ethical and security perspectives associated with the introduction and use of ICTs

Business Review: Advanced Applications, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, October 1, 2013.
Book Chapters
Shirazi, F., Kim, D., and Gu Yoo, J. ‘Application Model: E-Commerce Model and Government Procurement’, in Lee, S. Y. (ed.), Microtrade: A new System of International Trade with Volunteerism Towards Poverty Elimination, 2013, UK: Routledge. 
 Refereed Journal Articles
Ali, S. & Shirazi, F. (2023). Paradigm of Circular Economy and an Effective Electronic Waste Management, Sustainability, 15(3), 1998.
Shirazi, F., Hajli, N., Sims, J., & Lemke, F. (2022). The role of social factors in purchase journey in the social commerce era. Technological Forecasting and Social Change183, 121861.
Shaaban-Nejad, S. & Shirazi, F. (2022). ICT and Environmental Sustainability: A Comparative Study. Sustainability, 14, 8651. (external link) 
Lin, S. C., Tseng, H. T., & Shirazi, F. (2022). Consumer decision journey for online group buying: psychological and intentional procedure perspectives. British Food Journal.
Shirazi, F., Tseng, H. T., Adegbite, O., Hajli, N., & Rouhani, S. (2021). New product success through big data analytics: An empirical evidence from Iran. Information Technology & People.
Shirazi, F., Wu, Y., Hajli, A., Zadeh, A. H., Hajli, N., & Lin, X. (2021). Value co-creation in online healthcare communities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120665.
Hajli, N., Shirazi, F., Tajvidi, M., & Huda, N. (2021). Towards an understanding of privacy management architecture in big data: an experimental research. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 548-565.
Hajli, N., Saeed, U., Tajvidi, M., & Shirazi, F., 'The Role of Social Bots in the Spread of Disinformation in Social Media: The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence', British Journal of Management, 2021, in press.
Shirazi, F., Hajli, N., 'IT-Enabled Sustainable Innovation and the Global Digital Divides', Sustainability, 2021,
Shirazi , F., Tseng, H.-T., Adegbite, O., Hajli, N., & Rouhani, S. 'New product success through big data analytics: an empirical evidence', Information Technology & People, 2021, DOI:10.1108/ITP-03-2020-0105.
Shirazi, F., Wu, Y, Hajli, A., Zadeh, H. A., Hajli, N. & Lin, X. 'Value co-creation in online healthcare communities', Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2021,167, 120665.
Farrokhi, A., Shirazi, F., Hajli, N., & Tajvidi, M. 'Using artificial intelligence to detect crisis related to events: Decision making in B2B by artificial intelligence', Industrial Marketing Management, 2020, 91, 257-273.
Shirazi, F., Abdalla Adam, N., Shanmugam, M., & Schultz, D. C. 'The importance of trust for
electronic commerce satisfaction: an entrepreneurial perspective', British Food Journal, 2020, DOI:10.1108/BFJ-07-2020-0626
Hajli, N., Shirazi, F., Tajvidi, M., & Huda, N. 'Towards an Understanding of Privacy Management Architecture in Big Data: An Experimental Research', British Journal of Management, 2020. DOI:10.1111/1467-8551.12427
Nadeem, W., Juntunen, M., Shirazi, F., & Hajli, N. 'Consumers’ value co-creation in sharing economy: The role of social support, consumers’ ethical perceptions and relationship quality'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 151, 119786
Shirazi, F. & Mohammadi, M. 'A Big Data Analytics Model for Customer Churn Prediction in the Retiree Segment', International Journal of Information Management, 2019, 48, 238-253.
Gholami, R., Shirazi, F. & Arnold, D. 'Adoption of Smart TV in UK and the Moderating Role of Viewer Classification', International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), 2019, 11(1), 1-24. 
Plaza, M., David, I., & Shirazi, F. 'Management of inventory under market fluctuations: The case of a Canadian high tech company', International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, 205, 215-227.
Shirazi, F. & Iqbal, A. 'Community clouds within M-commerce: A privacy by design perspective',  Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, 2017, 6(22). DOI: 10.1186/s13677-017-0093-0
Gholami,R., Ravishankar, M.N., Shirazi, F. & Machetb, C. 'An Exploratory Study on Sustainable ICT Capability in the Travel and Tourism Industry: The Case of a Global Distribution System Provider', Communications of Associations for Information Systems, 2017, 40, 479-501.
Higon A. D., Gholami, R. & Shirazi, F.  'ICT and environmental sustainability: A global perspective', Telematics and Informatics, 2017, 34 (4), 85–95.
Irani, A. K., Shirazi, F., and Bener, A. ‘A critical interrogation of e-waste management in Canada: Evaluating performance of environmental management systems’, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Trust, 2016, 13(3).

Gentry, R. & Shirazi, F. ‘A Knowledge Management Analysis of an In-House Manual Software Testing’, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), 2015, 1 (5).

Shirazi, F. ‘Interrogating Iran’s restricted public cloud: An Actor Network Theory perspective’, Telematics & Informatics, 2013, 31(2), 228–236.

Shirazi, F. ‘Social media and the social movements in the Middle East and North Africa: A Critical Discourse Analysis’, Information Technology & People, 2013, 26 (1), 28 – 49.

Shirazi, F. 'A Global Perspective of the Impact of ICTs on Democratic Freedoms', International Journal of E-Business Development (IJED), 2012, 2(2), 7-14. Available at:

Shirazi, F. ‘Virtual Bazaar: A model for supporting Microtrade in the Least Developed Countries’, The Law and Development Review, 2012, 5(1), 29-49.

Shirazi, F., Higon, D. A. & Gholami, R. ‘ICT Diffusion and Foreign Direct Investment: A Comparative Study between Asia-Pacific and the Middle Eastern Economies, in Tan, F. B. (ed.) International Comparisons of Information Communication Technologies: Advancing Applications, 2012, IGI Publications, p. 294-320.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-480-2, ISBN13: 9781613504802, ISBN10: 1613504802

Shirazi, F. ‘Free and Open Source Software vs. Internet filtering’, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), April 2012, 85(4), 920-931. Available at:

Shirazi, F. ‘Information and Communication Technology and Women Empowerment in Iran’, Telematics & Informatics, February 2012, 29(1), 45-55.

Bankole, F., Shirazi, F., Brown, I. ‘Investigating the Impact of ICT Investments on Human Development’, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 2011, 48 (8), 1-19.

Shirazi, F., Gholami, R. & Higon, D. A. ‘Do Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Trade Openness explain the disparity in ICT diffusion between Asia-Pacific and the Islamic Middle Eastern countries?’, Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 2010, 18(3), 59-81.

Shirazi, F., ‘The Emancipatory Role of Information and Communication Technology: A Case Study of Internet Content Filtering Within Iran’, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society (JICES), 2010, 8(1), 57-84.

Shirazi, F., Gholami, R., Higon, D. ‘The Impact of Information and Communication Technology, Education and Regulations on Economic Freedom in Developing Countries’, Information & Management (I&M), 2009, 46 (8), 426-433.

Shirazi, F., Ngwenyama, O., and O. Morawczynski, ‘The Digital Divide in Democratic Freedoms: An analysis of the impact of ICT expansion and ICT filtering on democracy’, Telematics & Informatics, 27(2010), 21-31. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2009.05.001, May 15, 2009.

Shirazi, F., Tajvidi M.,Adegbite O., Hajli N., & Powell P. (2025). Strategic integration of big data analytics in R&D: Impact on new product success in turbulent markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 125, 303-318.

DOI: (external link) 

Mousa, N., Shirazi, F. (2024). A survey analysis of quantum computing adoption and the paradigm of privacy engineering, Security and Privacy 2024 (e419), 1-31
Ali, S., Shirazi, F. (2023).A transformer-based machine learning approach for sustainable e-waste management: A comparative policy analysis between the Swiss and Canadian systems. Sustainability 14 (20), 13220
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Sunil, N., & Shirazi, F. (2023, July). Customer review classification using machine learning and deep learning techniques. In the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 581-597). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Roy, D. & Shirazi, F. (2022). A Review on Multiple Data Source Based Recommendation Systems, IEEEXplore, (external link) 
Shirazi, F., Keramati, A. ‘Intelligent Mesh Technology Adoption: a Proposed framework for Mesh Service, Mesh app and Conversational Systems Adoption’. Proceedings in 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2019), Cancun, Mexico, 15-17 August 2019.
Shirazi, F.,  Seddighi, A., Iqbal, A.  'Cloud Computing Security and Privacy: An Empirical Study', Proceedings in HCI International 2017, Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017.
Shirazi, F., and Krasnov, A. ‘Cloud Security: A Virtualized VLAN (V2LAN) Implementation’, Proceedings in the 18th HCI International Conference Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July 2016.
Irani, A., Shirazi, F. and Bener, A. ‘A critical interrogation of e-waste management in Canada: Evaluating performance of environmental management Systems’. 2016 Conference on Sustainability Ethics and Entrepreneurship Conference,  Denver, CO, 16-18 May 2016.

Hossain, A., and Shirazi, F. ‘Cloud Computing: A Multi-tenant Case Study’, proceedings in the 17thInternational Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII 2015), Los Angeles, CA, 2-7 August 2015.

Tehrani, S., Shirazi, F. ‘Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Computing by Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs)’, proceedings in the 16th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014.

Calikli, G., Bener, A. and Shirazi, F. ‘Analyzing the Effects of Confirmation Bias on Software Development Team Performance: A Field Study during a Hackathon’, proceedings in Euromicro SEAA/DSD 2013 conference, Santander, Spain, September 4-6, 2013.

Shirazi, F. ‘An Intelligent Interactive Home Care System: An MPLS-Based Community Cloud’, proceedings in the 15th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 21-26 July 2013, Springer, pp. 207-216 (indexed in Thompson ISI).

Shirazi, F. 'Measuring the Efficiency of Digital Communities: A Case Study', proceedings in the Second International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications, Venice, Italy, June 24-29, 2012.

Shirazi, F. 'National Internet or a Censored Public Cloud?', proceedings in the 9th  International Association for Development of Information Society (IADIS)  E-Society 2012, Berlin, Germany, 10-13 March 2012, pp. 265-272 (indexed in Thompson ISI).

Shirazi, F., ‘Blogging, Political Participation and Mobilization in the Islamic Middle East:  A Critical Hermeneutic Content Analysis of Blogosphere’. Proceedings of the International Conference IADIS WWW/INTERNET 2011 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5 - 8 November 2011 (indexed in Thompson ISI).

Shirazi, F. ‘The Emancipatory Role of Blogging in the Middle East’, proceedings of the  first  International Conference of Information Management and Evaluation, Cape Town, South Africa, March 25-26, 2010.

Shirazi, F. & Greenaway, K. ‘Examining Validity Claims for Internet Filtering in Islamic Middle Eastern Countries: A Critical Discourse Analysis’, proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, California, August 6 - 9, 2009 (indexed in Thompson ISI).

Shirazi, F. ‘Measuring E-democracy Opportunity, A Global Perspective’, proceedings of 13th International Conference on Human- Computer (HCI) San Diego, CA, July 19-24, 2009 (indexed in Thompson ISI).

Undergraduate Courses

Course Code Course Title
ITM 301 IT Infrastructure
ITM 315
Network Administration
ITM 595 Auditing of Information Systems.
ITM 600 Data Communications Network Design
ITM 601 Advanced Business Process Methods
ITM 618 Business Intelligence and Analytics
ITM 700 Information Technology and Strategic Management
ITM 735 ICT & Diversity
ITM 706 Entreprise Architecture
ITM 733 Research in IT - Independent Study
ITM 820 Information System Security and Privacy

Graduate Courses

Course Code Course Title
MT 8312 Collaboration and Decision Technology
MT 8324 Information System Security and Control
MT 8326 Advanced Re-engineering Methods
ES 8950 Independent Study In Environmental Science and Management

Other Courses

Course Code Course Title
CZMN 110
Foundations of Management Workshop
Grant or Project Title Year Amount
TRSM/OVPRI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Grant (Ryerson University): "Using Blockchain for Protecting Patients: Privacy Within the Medical Supply Chain", $10,000 2019 $10,000
TRSM Research Development Grant Competition: "The Impact of Social Media on Students' Experiential Learning" 2017-2018 $7,000
TRSM Innovative Teaching (Ryerson University): "ICT and Diversity" 2016 $4,000
RECODE (Ryerson University): "ICT and Environmental Sustainability: A Global Perspective" 2016 $10,000
TRSM/OVPRI Undergraduate Research Opportunity Grant (Ryerson University): "The Role of Telematics: Understanding Distracted Driving Behaviour of Ontario Drivers"
2016 $9677.50
Learning Teaching Office (Ryerson University) Teaching about Diversity Fund (TDF) Grant: "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) & Diversity"
2016-2017 $3376.40
Ted Rogers School of Management Internal Research Grant: “Big Data Mining: A Privacy by Design Perspectives” 2015-2016 $7,000
Co-investigator,  SSHRC, Adopt-IT Partnership Grant 2014 $197,296
  • PhD, Information Systems, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • MSc, Computer Security, University of Liverpool, England
  • BEng, Computer Security, University of Liverpool, England
  • Outstanding Research Recognition award, 2020 (2 times)
  • Ted Rogers School of Management, Dean's Service Award, 2019-2020
  • Outstanding Research Recognition award, 2019
  • Ted Rogers School of Management, Research Recognition Award, 2018
  • Ted Rogers School of Management, Dean's Teaching Excellence Award, 2017-2018
  • Ted Rogers School of Management Research Award, 2012
  • Faculty Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Award, 2012