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Student Checklist

1. Set up your TMU online identity

To use TMU’s online tools, including email and D2L Brightspace learning system, you must first activate your TMU online identity. Without this, you will not be able to access any student systems, including Service Hub to enroll in classes. Visit the Undergraduate Student Guide website for more information.

2. Get your Student OneCard

Your Student OneCard is one of the most important tools you’ll need while at TMU. Not only is it your official student identification, it also grants you access to campus services and discounts.

You can use your OneCard to take out materials from the Library, access buildings and labs, use photocopiers and equipment, and much more. Visit the OneCard website to learn more and get your card.

3. Ask for help if you need it

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. For general inquiries about your curriculum or financial aid, please visit the Registrar’s website. For inquiries related to your academic success, please contact a member of the Indigenous Student Services team and we’ll try and point you in the right direction.

4. Pay your tuition fees

Don’t forget to pay for your TMU fees! If you forget to pay them, TMU can withhold course marks, health care services and add late fees. Visit the Registrar’s Office website for more information. If you need help with this system, contact a member of the Indigenous Student Services team.

5. Apply for bursaries and scholarships

There are several bursaries and scholarships available for Indigenous students at TMU. First, learn more about the opportunities and deadlines. Second, create an AwardSpring account to access all the awards you may be eligible for.

6.Check out Indigenous Student Services’ services and programs

Indigenous Student Services’ programs and services can help support your journey at TMU. We offer academic and social programming as well as admission advocacy, financial planning, and so much more, all geared towards Indigenous students. Visit the Indigenous Student Services website to learn more.

7. Register with Academic Accommodations Support

If you need academic accommodations for any disability, contact Academic Accommodation Support as soon as you can! The sooner you can get your personalized accommodations set up, the better you will learn.

8. Know the rules

To be successful at the university level, you must understand TMU’s Academic Integrity policies. The Academic Integrity Office is a neutral space and information resource that seeks to promote a culture of integrity and educational excellence. Visit the Academic Integrity Office website to learn more.

9. Know your rights

From enjoying all rights and freedoms recognized by law to being able to appeal grades and your academic standing, you have rights at TMU. Visit the Student Care website to learn more.

If you need help to respond to a human rights concern, including filing a complaint, Human Rights Services as part of the OVPECI is available to you. Visit the Human Rights Services website for more information about their services and what to expect.