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Medicine Wheel Framework

West | Emotional
- Acknowledge your feelings, practice honest communication.
- Forgive yourself and others.
- Write out a vision of your life and your values.
- Understand that it is okay to have 'low' days.
- Get to know yourself.
- Feel and validate your emotions (happy, sad, anger).
- Reach out for help.
North | Spiritual
- Smudge (sage, cedar, sweetgrass, tobacco).
- Take time to pray in whatever way works for you.
- Engage in traditional ceremonies.
- Spend time in nature to connect with the Creator.
- Learn about your identity, culture or language.
- Participate in community talking circles.
- Practice gratitude.
South | Mental
- Spend time with family and/or friends.
- Keep a personal journal (daily or weekly, long or short).
- Read self-care books to understand yourself.
- Seek advice from an Elder or counsellor.
- Set goals (long or short term).
- Get involved with your community.
East | Physical
- Take care of your body (personal care).
- Exercise: Dance, workout, run, walk, play sports etc. (20 mins, three times a week at least)
- Sleep well (7 to 9 hours) and take breaks/rest when needed.
- Eat healthy and drink water/stay hydrated.
- Limit caffeine and/or alcohol/drugs.
- Maintain safe sexual practices and boundaries.