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Student Handbook

Welcome to the Geography & Environmental Studies Department at Toronto Metropolitan University! 

The undergraduate support team is here to support any of your inquiries or concerns. This handbook is designed to provide students in Geographic Analysis and Environment and Urban Sustainability with helpful information about their Department and the University. It is designed as a supplement to other principal documents that students should use to guide their academic careers.

Please see Senate Policy 168 at Toronto Metropolitan University

The Undergraduate Academic Considerations and Appeals Policy provides the process by which students may seek academic considerations for missed tests, assignments and/or final exams; however, it is the student's responsibility to ensure the request is done in a timely manner.

Toronto Metropolitan University and the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies take academic integrity very seriously. According to university policy, the minimum penalty for undergraduate students is a grade reduction on any academic work, ranging in severity up to and including a grade of “zero” (0) on the work. The Principle of Progressive Discipline increases the penalties/consequences assigned with repeated violations.

It is your responsibility to know what constitutes academic misconduct. You must review the  (PDF file)  Toronto Metropolitan University Student Code of Academic Conduct

Toronto Metropolitan University also has a very informative website on Academic Integrity.

If in doubt, consult with your instructor(s). Do not assume that you know the rules. Different professors have somewhat different rules about working with other people.  In particular, ask your professor what the rules are in relationship to working together on labs. 

It is the student's responsibility to maintain a CLEAR academic standing in order to continue in their program from term to term without limitations. At Toronto Metropolitan University, each student's academic standing is determined at the end of each academic term, based on the student’s final course grades.

Please see Academic Standing Reference Guide for details about how this applies to our students.

Please see Toronto Metropolitan University's Senate Policy 150.

Students who require academic accommodation services and support should register with Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) and refer to Academic Accommodations of Students with Disabilities Policy. Students are not required to provide their personal health information or seek accommodation directly from their professors, course instructors or teaching assistants as it pertains to academic accommodation for disabilities; for students with a mental health disability, a diagnosis statement is not required to register with AAS or to receive accommodations or support.

If academic accommodations for tests and exams are required, it is the student's responsibility to book 10 business days prior to the date of writing any test or exam. Students who miss the deadline to book a test or an exam with accommodation must submit an exceptional booking request. For information on how to book a make-up test or exam, please visit the Test Centre website.

Course Instructors will determine whether class attendance is a basis for grades. Please refer to your course outline for more information as class participation grades will differ from course to course.

All students are required to activate and maintain their Toronto Metropolitan online identity in order to regularly access Toronto Metropolitan's Email, MyServiceHub, portal and learning system, and other systems by which they will receive official University communications. Students are required to monitor and retrieve messages and information issued to them by the University via Toronto Metropolitan online systems on a frequent and consistent basis. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. For more information, please refer to the Student Email Policy.

Please see Toronto Metropolitan University's Senate Policy 135.

Dates and times for final exams are released by the Registrar’s office towards the end of the term. For exam updates, click here.

Please check the course outline for each course that you are enrolled in to identify the late policy per course you are taking. 

It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with generally accepted standards of behaviour, University regulations and policies.


The making of audio recordings, photographs, films, and/or videotapes in the classroom without the express written permission of the instructor is strictly prohibited. 

Unsanctioned recordings of any kind in a class constitute a violation of the Student Code of Academic Conduct and will be dealt with in accordance with that policy.

Life in university is ruled by deadlines – for assignments, tests, and final exams, for courses to be added and dropped, for fee payments, and many more events. Click here for Toronto Metropolitan’s significant dates for 2024-2025. Due dates for assignments and tests are given to you on your course outlines at the beginning of the terms.