Academic Support Centre

For Instructors and Professors
The Academic Support Centre provides learning support to undergraduate and graduate students at the Faculty of Community Services through individual appointments, workshops, peer support and other learning opportunities.
We support instructors and professors in Toronto Met's Faculty of Community Services to embed academic skills development into their courses. We also facilitate learning activities at school orientations and related events.
Are you a student? Find academic support.
Contact us to facilitate one of the following workshops:
Study 101
Available to all first year courses and orientation activities, this two-hour interactive workshop supports students’ transition to university and introduces effective study skills.
Workshops and Customized Presentations
Skills development workshops and presentations are customizable to the needs of your students and cover topics related to transition, time management, critical thinking, critical reading and essay writing.
Contact us to facilitate one of the following group sessions:
Students on Placement
These sessions help students on placement improve their communication, interaction and presentation skills.
Students on Probation
Study-skills sessions support students to achieve a clear standing. Currently, we offer a two-part ‘Getting back on Track’ workshop, which is customizable to address specific academic challenges.
Students Transitioning to TMU
Designed for students in their transition to the university, these customizable workshops focus on the needs of direct entry and mature students and help ease difficulties they may encounter.
Study Skills Presentations
Delivered via D2L Brightspace, online presentations focus on study skill development. Upon request, we can enroll full courses or individual students into these online modules. Contact us for a preview.
Set up a consultation with us to discuss how to incorporate learning strategies into your course curriculum, or to explore any related ideas you may have.
Orientation Events
Contact us to introduce our services and programming at your school's orientation events.
Location details
The Faculty of Community Services Academic Support and Resource Centre is located on the fifth floor of the library, in Room LIB-549.
Toronto Metropolitan University
Library Building, Room LIB-549
350 Victoria St.
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 2K3
Learning Strategists
Iram Khan, MA, TESL
Chris Cachia, MA, BEd
Peer Learning Facilitators