ARC overnight fire alarm testing Mar. 19 - 20
Facilities Management and Development (“Facilities”) has been upgrading the existing fire alarm system in the Architecture Building (ARC) to increase its lifespan, improve detection and ensure compliance with the fire code. To ensure the system is working correctly, testing of the fire alarm system is required.
To minimize the disruption to activities in the building, the testing has been scheduled to take place from 10 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19 to 2 a.m. on Thursday, March 20.
How this may impact you
During the testing, the fire alarm’s audible and visual signals will be activated intermittently as contractor personnel take decibel measurements and ensure that all signal devices and their power supplies function correctly.
Work will conclude by 2 a.m. on March 20 and all systems will return to normal.
If you are aware of activities taking place in ARC during testing periods, please advise impacted individuals that fire alarm testing will occur while they’re in the building.
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Questions or concerns?
For specific questions about this project, please contact Katherine Moy, project coordinator, by email at
For general questions, please contact the Facilities Help Desk at or 416-979-5091.
For urgent after-hours concerns, please contact TMU Security at or 416-979-5040. In the case of an emergency, dial 911.