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Access to KHE/RCC pedestrian bridge temporarily unavailable

January 28, 2025

The second floor pedestrian bridge that connects Kerr Hall East (KHE) and the Rogers Communications Centre (RCC) is undergoing unplanned repairs to prevent damage to building systems during the extreme cold weather. Access to the pedestrian bridge will be restricted while contractors seal the inside of the bridge to prevent cold air from entering both buildings.

During this temporary outage, please use the 60 Gould St. entrance to access KHE and the 80 Gould St. entrance to access the RCC if possible. 

Please check this outage alert for updates as an estimated return-to-service date will be posted as it becomes available.

Alternate accessible routes

Barrier-free entry to KHE is available from the main entrance to the building at the southwest corner of Church St. and Gerrard St. at 340 Church St. and the KHE entrance at the northeast end of the Kerr Hall Quad.

Barrier-free entry to the RCC is available through the south main entrance at 80 Gould St. or the north entrance to the building off of the Pitman Quad.

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Questions or concerns?

For specific questions about this project, please contact Ken Ozdemir, manager of maintenance and operations, by email at or by phone at 647-272-2382.

For general questions, please contact the Facilities Help Desk at or 416-979-5091.

For urgent after-hours concerns, please contact TMU Security at or 416-979-5040. In the case of an emergency, dial 911.