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Workplace Inspections


Workplace inspections at TMU are in compliance by law with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) (external link)  and the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Policy.


Workplace inspections must be conducted annually and include all office spaces, kitchens and meeting spaces, research and teaching labs, storage spaces and any other rooms controlled by the department. Inspections are important as they allow inspection teams to:

  • listen to the concerns of workers and supervisors;
  • gain further understanding of jobs and tasks performed in their department;
  • identify existing and potential hazards;
  • determine underlying causes of hazards;
  • monitor hazard controls (personal protective equipment, engineering controls, policies and procedures); and
  • recommend corrective action.

Every inspection reporting process should aim to answer the who, what, where, when and how. Particular attention should be paid to items most likely to develop into unsafe or unhealthy conditions because of stress, wear, impact, vibration, heat, corrosion, chemical reaction or misuse.

How hazards are categorized

Workplace hazards may be categorized so that hazard-specific, appropriate action can be taken.

How risk level is identified

After identifying the hazard type, the hazard may be classified by risk level (i.e. class A is high risk, class B is moderate risk and class C is low risk) so as to assist in prioritizing the action plan.


Departments are encouraged to complete inspections  of all rooms under their control (e.g.

research and teaching labs, offices, kitchen spaces, meeting rooms) once per calendar year (from January 1 to December 31). Departments are not responsible for inspecting areas within their vicinity but outside of their control (e.g. washrooms, classrooms, hallways). 

Formal workplace Inspections are conducted by the Joint Health and Safety Committee with support from EHS. Training is provided by EHS in addition to JHSC certification training. 

Learn more about the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC), including meetings and their inspection schedule.

Inspection teams are expected to: 

  • wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as required (if PPE is unavailable, the inspection team should not enter the area); and
  • identify and record any hazards

Inspection teams may choose to use these inspection checklists as required:  

Inspection teams are expected to notify their manager, chair or director of any hazard found during their inspections. The following information should be communicated: 

  • describe the hazards, including location;
  • categorize hazards and identify risks;
  • recommend controls;

Inspection teams should ensure that all class "A" Hazard (high risk) items are addressed immediately and that controls are in place.

Supervisors are responsible for maintaining a safe workplace on an ongoing basis. When hazards are communicated to them, it is their duty to ensure that corrective actions are taken.


If you have any questions related to workplace inspections, please contact Environmental Health and Safety at or 416-979-5000, ext. 553770.