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Canada Research Chairs

The Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) is home to nine prestigious Canada Research Chairs (CRCs). A federal government initiative, the CRC program is part of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world's top countries in research and development. It invests approximately $295 million per year to attract and retain a diverse cadre of world-class researchers, and to reinforce academic research and training excellence in Canadian postsecondary institutions. 

There are two types of Canada Research Chair positions: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tenable for seven years and renewable once, Tier 1 chairs are reserved for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields. For each Tier 1 chair, the institution receives $200,000 annually for seven years. Tier 2 chairs are tenable for five years and renewable once. They are reserved for exceptional emerging researchers, acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field. For each Tier 2 chair, the institution receives $100,000 annually for five years.

Our FEAS researchers have been awarded CRCs for their aims to improve Canada’s depth of knowledge and quality of life, strengthen our international competitiveness, and help train the next generation of highly skilled people through student supervision, teaching, and the coordination of other researchers' work.

Dr. Mohammadreza Arani

Dr. Mohammadreza Arani | Tier 2 (2021 - 2026)
CRC in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical Security

Mohammadreza Arani’s research focuses on developing new models and controls to ensure smart power grids are secure, sustainable and resilient. His work explores the growing availability of renewable and clean energy sources and expanding digital communications along the grid.

Dr. April Khademi | Tier 2 
CRC in AI for Medical Imaging

April Khademi designs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools to extract insights from medical images that can be used to augment the workflows of radiologists and pathologists to drive more efficient and accurate diagnoses. This research chair will enable her Image Analysis and Medicine Lab to measure biomarkers from large datasets of MRI scans or digital pathology images to provide more quantitative measurements of diseases such as dementia and cancer.

Dr. April Khademi | Tier 2

Dr. Anton de Ruiter | Tier 2 (2021 - 2025)
CRC in Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Anton de Ruiter is developing next-generation control systems for spacecraft that orbit asteroids. He is also advancing research on trajectory design for low-thrust and autonomous spacecraft that can assemble, inspect and repair large space structures.

Portrait of Dr. Anton de Ruiter
Dr. Seth Dworkin smiles in his office

Dr. Seth Dworkin | Tier 2 (2022 - 2027)
CRC in Sustainable Energy Modelling and Simulation

Seth Dworkin's work focuses on improving emissions profiles for aircraft engines and geothermal heating and cooling systems. Using computer models, he looks at ways to enhance these systems' performance and develop models adaptable to industry use.

Dr. Bilal Farooq | Tier 2 (2023 - 2027)
CRC in Disruptive Transportation Technologies and Services

Bilal Farooq’s research explores the possibilities of both connected and autonomous vehicles, as well as ride-hailing services. Using advanced sensor networks in combination with Big Data, he is building prediction models that can inform public policy and make the most efficient use of the transportation systems of today and tomorrow.

Dr. Bilal Farooq smiles outside in a suit
Portrait of Dr. Dae Kun Hwang

Dr. Dae Kun Hwang | Tier 2 (2022 - 2027)
CRC in Microarchitecture for Advanced Polymeric Materials

Dae Kun Hwang is creating novel polymer-based platforms using microparticles with 3D shapes, membranes with 3D pores and surfaces with wrinkled 3D microstructures. His research aims to create solutions with biomedical applications, such as less invasive microneedles for therapeutic drug delivery and low-cost detection of circulating tumour cells, as well as a better understanding of cellular responses to 3D environments.

Dr. Sharareh Taghipour | Tier 2 (2018 - 2023)
CRC in Physical Asset Management

Sharareh Taghipour is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industries such as transportation, commercial building and heavy manufacturing. Through the development of state-of-the-art methodologies to enhance energy efficiency, her approach includes the optimization of physical assets such as turbines, transformers and dams. Her work is also essential for establishing sustainable operations in carbon-intensive industries such as mining, iron and steel.

Dr. Sharareh Taghipour stands outside smiling
Ali Tavallaei

Dr. Ali Tavallaei | Tier 2 (2020 - 2025)
CRC in Systems and Devices for Cardiovascular Interventions

Ali Tavallaei’s research aims to overcome the limitations of conventional devices used during minimally invasive cardiovascular procedures by creating new image-guided therapeutic and diagnostic solutions to better diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases.

Past CRCs

Dr. Ling Guan speaking

Dr. Ling Guan | Tier 1 (2001 - 2015)
CRC in Multimedia and Computer Technology

Ling Guan helps the Canadian information technology industry maintain and increase its global competitiveness. He develops novel multimedia processing and communications techniques for applications in telemedicine, e-commerce, teleconferencing, security/surveillance, and electronic entertainment.

Dr. Sri Krishnan sits at his desk

Dr. Sri Krishnan | Tier 2 (2007 - 2017)
CRC in Biomedical Signal Analysis

A Canadian leader in biomedical research, Sri Krishnan pioneers new ways to diagnose illness, supporting less invasive and lower cost procedures. He explores physiological health signals like sound patterns, which have the potential to identify knee disorders without invasive surgery, and diagnose throat cancer through the sound of a patient’s voice.

Dr. Krishna Kumar stands with his arms folded

Dr. Krishna Kumar | Tier 2 (2005 - 2015)
CRC in Space Systems Engineering

Krishna Kumar specializes in the systems and technologies that are necessary for miniature satellites to operate, including micro-electro-mechanical systems, intelligent and autonomous systems, and nano-technologies. His miniature satellites weigh less than 100 grams each.

Dr. Mohamed Lachemi smiles outside a Toronto Metropolitan University building

Dr. Mohamed Lachemi | Tier 2 (2002 - 2010)
CRC in Sustainable Construction

Cement production is responsible for a significant percentage of worldwide CO2 emissions. Mohamed Lachemi and his team are developing self-consolidating concrete with minimum cement content using waste materials and recycled industrial by-products to develop a “super” class of high performance fibre-reinforced, self-consolidating concrete.

Dr. Guang Jun Liu smiles inside a research lab

Dr. Guang Jun Liu | Tier 2 (2006 - 2016)
CRC in Control Systems and Robotics

A Canadian leader in aerospace and robotics research, Guang Jun Liu specializes in the design of control systems that reduce costs, increase reliability of aircraft systems, and allow robots to work efficiently and safely in unstructured environments. His robots are expandable, fault-tolerant and capable of working in unstructured human and space environments.

Dr. Marcello Papini inside a classroom

Dr. Marcello Papini | Tier 2 (2007 - 2017)
CRC in Abrasive Jet Technology

Marcello Papini is one of Canada’s leaders in abrasive jet technology. His research involves developing microscopic nozzles capable of blasting tiny streams of abrasives for delicate etching, shaping and carving tasks. His work has applications in the medical field, including the delivery of drugs through the skin without the risks associated with hypodermic needles.

Dr. Victor Yang in a medical room

Dr. Victor Yang | Tier 2 (2007 - 2017)
CRC in Bioengineering and Biophotonics

An engineer and medical doctor with surgical training, Victor Yang understands how the smallest, most precise tools can bring about huge changes in disease detection and treatment. In his work, he applies telecommunication technology, such as optical fibres and lasers, in the development of new techniques for imaging normal and cancerous tissues.